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"What if someone suspects something?" You asked Legolas who still held you aloft in his arms. The kingdom wasn't far away, so he says.

"Y/n, I doubt anyone will; if the do question you, just tell them you came from Laketown and you're getting your land legs," Legolas tried.

"Laketown?" You asked.

"It is a town that is settled over a lake, many of the men and women there have lives that consist of being in a boat all day. They are a rather rowdy bunch– not to mention they smell of fish oil and tar," he explained.

"Eww, I-I don't smell fishy d-do I?" The thought what on your mind now.
"Of course not! Y/n, you smell exactly like a summer breeze over calm waters of the finest sea," he looked into your eyes and you giggled.

"You do have such a way with words, do you not?"

"Certainly! Now, the kingdom is ahead, they need to see you walking on two feet. If they see me carrying you they might think you're injured. You need to practice walking at this instant," Legolas placed you on your feet and your stood up right for now. "I believe in you y/n, now, it's just one foot in front of the other. Be sure to balance your weight, alright?"

You nodded nervously. Legolas took his hands slowly off of your shoulders to let you stand freely. Without his hands there it seems even harder to stand, but with all the night you had you took a step forward. Legolas was inches away to be there if you fell, which was a good thing because you did. He caught you, gave encouragement, and let you try again, this time you had more success as you placed another foot down in front of the other. You were wobbly, but it was good for now. Legolas wrapped an arm behind you and lead you in the direction of his home that awaited.

"And where are you taking this maiden? Is she of elf kind? I do not sense it, but she looks like the race of man," the guard outside the palace spoke. You stiffened when he realized you weren't a normal elf.

"She is human, yes, but she needs rest, I am taking here there right now, but I will need in the kingdom first. Have you forgotten that I and the prince?" Legolas' voice took on a new edge that you didn't like. The guess looked beware not you and Legolas," so be it! " and he opened the gates.

Legolas had led you to his private quarters, of course on the way there you had received many states for the mists that went about. Their stares were the one thing so far that made you wish hadn't lost your tail. But that argument was saved for another day. That night found sleep under a silk fabric that made you think of the water. You found sleep easily as you drifted off into a dream of sandy beaches and watery depths.


The next day when you awoke, light was shining in the windows and birds were chirping in the distance. "I can get used to this," you said groggily.
"What was that?" You heard Legolas in the corner of the room somewhere.
"Nothing, it's just, its beautiful to wake up like that....I feel at peace," you said with a sleepy smile. Legolas looked at you with a funny smile. "What?"

"Nothing, you look so magnificently beautiful in the morning, you practically glow–and I love your hair," he stifled a laugh. You furrowed your brows and slowly rose to your feet. When you sorted the mirror in the room you ran to it. Your hair was a mess! It was in ugly knots and pointing this way and that.
"Ugh!" You looked around on the table," what can I use to fix it?!" You were blushing and scurrying to try to find something.

"Relax love, there is a brush there somewhere," he said from behind you somewhere.

"What's a brush?!" You looked at him incredulously. He looked at you inquisitively.

Legolas x Reader: Master PostWhere stories live. Discover now