Quake Legolas x (elf)reader

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Pairing: Legolas x relf reader

Summary: You are having lunch with your husband, Legolas and his father Thranduil when the ground begins to shake and earth rolls beneath you. They say it is called an earthquake.

Words: 1212

Warning: fluffiness in the beginning



"Y/n my dear! How good it is to see you," Thranduil gave you a tight hug and you returned it happily. Your father-in-law loved you very much.

"It's very good to see you again too Ada," since you didn't have a father yourself, Thranduil was more than happy to be one for you.

"I hope my son is staying out of trouble?" He asked about your husband, Legolas.

"Father, I'm right here. I know you're talking about me," Legolas smiled.

"He's been a real trouble maker lately, if I'm being frank," you said sarcastically. Thranduil chuckled.

"Ha! You should have seen him when he was a babe!" Thranduil said as you both acted like you hadn't heard Legolas. "One morning I even found him covered in mud and sitting on his mothers bright white chair cushions," Thranduil recalled the memory as you all three walked out to the balcony where you would have lunch.

"I remember that day Ada, I didn't get supper for two days. Mother really cherished those cushions," Legolas laced his fingers with yours.

"Sounds like it," you said as Legolas pulled out a chair for you; you took it gratefully. Legolas took the seat beside you and Thranduil sat directly in front of you both.

"So, what'll it be for lunch? The servants here, will make anything and everything you ask," Thranduil sounded please.

"I am really craving honey cakes and....sweet deserts," you said as you looked at paper that had some of the food specialties on it.

"Darling, you can't just have that! You need something healthier for the baby," Legolas looked at you seriously.

"Oh! I had nearly forgotten! How is your pregnancy going y/n?" Thranduil's eyes seemed to sparkle at the though of a grandchild.

"Pretty good, I suppose. I want to eat all the time, but it makes no sense when it wants to come back up in the morning," you all laughed.

"Indeed, Legolas' mother was the same way. I had to keep her away from pies and cakes or she would get it back up later that day," Thranduil looked back at his scribbled menu. You noticed how Thranduil never said 'my wife' it was always 'Legolas' mother'.

     The food had been served and you had just started to dig in. You had gotten some corn, a small thing of grilled meat, and other veggies. You looked out over the horizon and paused from eating. Of the entire time you sat here, you didn't once look at the landscape, it was beautiful!

"Y/n? Are you all right? Please don't tell me you're going to be sick again," Legolas put a hand on your shoulder. You snorted.

"Don't be silly! I'm not going to be sick, I was looking out at the land. It sure looks marvelous at this about this time," you said in awe. Thranduil took a sip of wine.

"Although I do feel something," you went about cutting up the meat on your plate.

"Like what?" Thranduil asked setting his glass down.

"I feel.....tingly," you made eye contact with the king," does that make sense?- you know what? I don't know, I think it's just because I'm pregnant," you took a bit of your meal.

"Nonsense, because I feel it too," Thranduil looked at both of you.

"I don't feel a- oh! What was that?" Legolas felt the the tingle go through him. You all watched as an elf walked by with a pet dog. They dog stopped all of the sudden and started to whine. The elf owner grabbed the dog by the collar gently, but the dog got loose of her grasped and took off in the opposite direction.

"What's going on?" You asked. Everyone was acting weird and you wanted an explanation. You looked into your water glass. Little ripples were forming and you started getting creeped out.

"Ugh guys? Look!" You pointed at your glass and they brought their eyes to it.

"Why would it be doing that?" Legolas asked worriedly.

"I have only experienced this once in my life; if my assumptions are true we should be taking shelter immediately," the king looked seriously at you and your husband. Just then you all felt the ground roll beneath you. You grabbed onto the table.
"What was that!" You asked terrified. You felt another roll beneath you, but it was a bit stronger.

"We have to move, now!" Your father-in-law jumped up and you and your lover followed him.

Legolas helped you stand as the shakes began to increase; it rocked all of you as you walked and-- did Thranduil just run into the wall?

"What is this, father?!" Legolas shouted above the things that were falling and shaking.

"They call it an earthquake. Come! We can't stay here," Thranduil put an arm around you as he guided you down the hall. He led you into a room that was seemingly bare. This was probably a room that was being re modeled or something.

    You rested you back against the plain white wall. Thranduil sat on one side and Legolas on the other," how long will this last?" You closed your eyes as if it would make it go faster.

"No one knows for certain how long they can last, but they can be violent," Thranduil said as the room rocked a bit more. The paintings on the wall were all shaking and the lights on the ceiling were swaying roughly. As if the ground couldn't have shake more, it did. It amplified and you began you knock your head against the wall.You buried your face in Legolas' chest. He held you close and tight as you wished for the nightmare to be over.

You had heard an extremely loud noise and decided to write it off like it was nothing. You felt Thranduil shield himself over you and his son and debris began falling from the ceiling.

      You had all felt the earth stop shaking. You stood up with the help of Legolas. You could feel small vibrations left over from the quake even now.

Thranduil walked you to the door and held it open.
     The outside hallway was a mess. Vases had been in pieces from falling off small tables. Papers, glass, and other things were strewn all over the floor. You continued walking to where you had just been eating lunch. You stomach did a flip at the sight.

      The table and balcony you had just been sitting on, was no more. This side of the Mirkwood palace was laying on the forest floor, leaving this whole side bare and open.

'What if we hadn't gotten up and moved away from the table?' The question raised in your mind as you took a peek over the edge. Legolas put a hand on you so you didn't lean too far. You, the king, and Legolas were supposed to be dead.

"I can imagine I have duties to look after, Thranduil said quietly after a moment,"Who knows if someone has gotten hurt," Thranduil said and he bowed to you and his son. You returned with a bow of your own.

You put a hand on your partially swollen belly,"So much for lunch," you said jokingly which earned a small laugh from Legolas.

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