One of the Fellow prt.3

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You were always at his side. When trouble drew near, it was to you he went to first. Your brother, Boromir, still resided with Aragorn on this quest. That was fine in your book, he could stay with his buddies, while trying to ignore you– you had Legolas now. There was apart of you, that deep down, felt safer with Legolas. Yes, he had been teaching you to fight and you were increasingly good at it now, but the calm protectiveness that he brought, soothed your soul. Such a wonderful friend to have indeed.


Night had fallen and the stars were shining bright as ever. The crackling Fire casted an orange glow over the group and the distant chirp of frogs and crickets played like music.

You felt a presence come up behind you. You had currently had your back against a fallen log, someone had taken the opportunity to sit on said log and start to run fingers through your hair. In any other situation you would have shooed off the person in an angry manner, but this was Legolas, and he could do whatever he wished with your hair.

"Back from scouting then?" You addressed him followed by a hum. Having your hair played wit was soothing.

"Yes, but I am to do more later in the night– I simply had to do this," you realized that Legolas was taking strands of your hair and braiding it.

"Do what?" You asked innocently.

"Give you these," Legolas brought a hand to the front of your face and showed you what he had in his hand. They were small gold hair clips in the shape of leave." They are beautiful Legolas!" You told him and earned a chuckle from him.

"Good, I was hoping you would like them," Legolas said as he continued to braid your hair and eventually finished it off with the gorgeous clips.

( I do NOT own the image below. It is used solely for reference purposes)

"It's obvious.....can't you tell?" Said a voice in the night.

"Yes.....does she know?" Replied another voice in the distance. The cackling of the fire made it hard to decipher words clearly. Whoever was sleeping, obviously didn't know you were awake and listening. They had to be speaking of you, you were the only female in the fellowship! You continued to eavesdrop, but acted asleep– seeing to it that your back was turned to them.

"I do not think so.......she can be blind to so many things, Aragorn," ahh so one of the voices did belong to Aragorn. You saw that all of the hobbits were asleep, so they weren't the last speaker, Gandalf was smoking a pipe by a tree, and Legolas went off scouting like he usually did.' Do elves even need sleep?' You wondered. The last voice left had to belong to your brother, and at that realization it made more sense.

"In time I believe she will come to terms....get some rest, Legolas watches over us now– elves rarely sleep. We are in good is she," said the voice of Aragorn.

What did all of this mean?! What did you possibly 'not know'? If they think this is a game, it is in very poor taste! If these foul voices of the night continue, you would have to see into the matter yourself. This conversation better have been the last one. 

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