One of the Fellow prt. 4

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Final part.


It seemed like numbers on a calendar didn't matter anymore. How many months and days it had been since leaving Rivendell, had faded and just surviving on this quest was the more prominent ordeal. It could've been a year in the wilderness, you did not know– and frankly didn't care. The fellowship would sing songs of merriment and tell stories by the fire. You watched the hobbits prepare a fire.

It was dusk when Aragorn decided to call it quits for the day. The fellowship found itself in a rocky landscape and beside a clear-water river that flowed by. You walked over to the edge of the water and looked down, colorful fish dashed away when they saw you. Having felt bad for scaring them you sighed.
"They will be back, patience here is the key," Legolas put a hand on your shoulder. You leaned into his touch.

"Do you think we'll really destroy the ring?" The question weighed heavily on your mind. "I cannot say for certain, but I have...hope y/n," you looked at him at his words. Your face was plastered with dirt and debris from the venture. Legolas noticed this and smiled. He pulled a cloth from the satchel you carried, bent down to the clear water, and brought the moist fabric to your cheek. He started to rub your skin free of the dirt. The feeling was soothing and you couldn't have thanked him more. You closed your eyes and let him do his thing.

"I must go scout once more; when I will return, I don't know," Legolas pulled away from you– a feeling that made you feel empty.

"I will look for your return Legolas," you have him a small bow and he gave you an elven salute with his hand to his heart before he turned away and walked off.

Back at camp the hobbits were telling stories of the time Merry caught s fish that was bigger than him. You laughed at first, but then another voice was added in– not a hobbit's voice. Boromir. You looked at he and Aragorn hunched into each other an whispered.

"Did you see them today? Maybe she's realized," said Boromir's hushed tone. You snuck up behind them.

With a loud voice as intended you made Boromir jump," realize what?" You asked them with your hands behind your back, Boromir looked as if he would faint. They stayed silent as they looked at you," well?"

"Well...u-uhh...," Boromir looked between you and Aragon quickly. Aragorn looked as though he wanted no part in this so he stepped back a few feet in submission. "We thought you had realized by now t-that Legolas, was courting y-you," said your brother.

You laughed," courting me? What makes you think that? We're just friends," you tried to tell him.

"No, y/n, elves have a way of courting, they...give gifts, for example your hair clips," you brought to fingers up to touch the little clips that held the braid.
"The little touches, always being by your side, the braids, the clips, and looking at you affectionately. Sweet dear sister, that is how elves court," Boromir said it like it was plain as day.

"You mean he is in love with me? He did not even ask me if I wanted this courtship," you were so confused by all of this.

"And he didn't have to, when you accepted his gift of hair clips, you said yes to his permission of courtship. Y/n, in elf culture, the little things have enormous meanings, just because he did not ask you directly, doesn't mean he did not ask. He loves you y/n, even I can tell as much," Aragorn's explanation brought a lump to your throat.

"I will have a word with him when he returns," was all you said before walking away and sitting on s rock by the warm fire.

Legolas found you beneath the stars and sitting cross legged by the river. He walked so silent up to that the fish that now swam in front you you did not stir. At night these colorful fish had luminescent colors that danced under the clear water. Watching you stare at them made Legolas fall even more in love with you. He had questioned his love in the beginning, for you were human and he was an elf. But he had never been so sure of his love for you.
"You're back," you looked up at him.

"I find it odd that you can hear me even when others cannot," he said as he sat next to you to graciously. You felt a bit of awkwardness at what new information you had received earlier.

"Yes, well, your footsteps make not the slightest sound– that is when I know younger near," you nudged him with your shoulder gently to which he returned.
There was a calm silence as you both watched the dancing lights beneath the water. After a moment to spoke," I spoke with Aragorn and Boromir today".

"You spoke to your brother at last? On what matter did you speak?" Legolas asked intrigued.

"It was about you: they told me you are courting me when I didn't know. Is it true Legolas? They say you love me?" You asked looking deeply into his eyes. He broke the stare to look at your hands and take them in his– he brought his gaze back to yours.

"Of course it is true y/n. Forgive me if my manners of courtship weren't that noticeable. I courted you as I would a maiden of my race, if you wish me away I would leave you alone," Legolas looked sad at the thought.

"Legolas, I could never send you away. I wanted to tell you that I accept our courting and....I love you as well," you cupped his cheek and stroked it with a thumb. He looked so happy at your words as a teethy smile crossed his face.
"You are certain?" Legolas asked inching closer to your face. You inched closer as well, your breathing was becoming breathy as your lips parted. Now, you felt his breath I've you lips,' so close' you thought," very certain," you loses the distance and captured Legolas' lips with yours. The kiss was everything you could've imagined and it filled your heart with the warmth that it needed. You had thought that being one of the fellow was going to be dangerous and full of death, but nothing like this. This was better.

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