Courting the Prince Legolas x (elf) reader

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Pairing: legolas x reader

Words: 1,060

Summary: The reader gets severely picked on for hanging out the Prince Legolas. The reader has had enough of this and she goes deep into the woods and cuts. Legolas comes and finds the reader– you're alive, but barely.

WARNING: Mention of blood, slef-hate, cutting, and bullying.


"Maybe you should lose a few pounds to fit into that dress," said a snarky elf female. You found yourself in the garden when a group of female elves approached you.

"Please, I don't want any trouble," you held up your hands.

"Trouble? Psshh, we're not the problem, the way you dress is the problem," said one of the four maidens.

"I just want to enjoy the garden in peace," you made to move, but they moved with you to block your path.

"We hope you find yourself somewhere in this garden as well," added a brunette haired elf.

"Yeah, and when you do find yourself you'll be disappointed," added another. You looked down and bit your lip. You felt the tears picking at your eyes. "Awwww, is somebody gonna cry? Do worry we won't tell anyone–oh wait! They don't see you anyway, because you don't exist," said one of the elves looking in your eyes.

"Maybe now, you'll think better of trying to court the prince. He's for fair maidens like us, not nobodies like you," said one of them sourly and they all walked off; leaving you standing there by yourself, alone in this garden.        

You let out a sniffle. You had been friends with prince Legolas ever since you were little. Others saw you as trying to gain a position of royalty. Granted you did have a bit of a crush of your friend, but you told no one. Your sniffles grew into a sob.

"Y/n?" Said a male voice that came from around the corner of a flowery hedge. It was Legolas. He paused when he saw you. "I heard what those elves said to you," he tried to step closer, but you stepped a foot back. Legolas looked at you confused.

"Don't," was all you said coldly. If being seen with him caused this much torment, you thought it best if you weren't seen together at all; you couldn't take the never ending bullying and badgering anymore. "I'm sorry," you turned on you heel and sprinted out the doors–Legolas stayed frozen in place. You sobbed as your ran through the kingdom. You even ran passed the king.

"Y/n?" The king called to you, but you didn't turn back. You picked your dress up more and ran for the palace doors.


   You threw yourself on your a rock near a dark lake under the night sky. Now, you had time to reflect.

  For years now, people had thought you and Legolas were courting– you weren't, you were just great friends. You couldn't deny though that there was a part of your heart that cared about him as more than just a friend.

    The name calling, bullying, tormenting, and anxiety caused you to have so much depression and lead you to be more introverted. You couldn't do anything anymore with out second guessing yourself. You felt vulnerable when you were alone. Every time to tried to do something, it would fail miserably, and you hated yourself for it. So here you were weeping into the night air, alone in darkness.

    Your mind ran wild with every moment that someone said something awful to you, every moment when you weren't good enough, and every moment that you failed at something. The overwhelming emotions that was sinking in began making you hyperventilate in between your sobs.

   You reached in your shoe where you kept a small secret knife. You had heard of people doing what you were about to do. The pain you felt in your crushed heart was unbearable; you needed to feel something different for a change, even if it was death. You stood up and tried to control your breathing. You held out your hand and used the knife to cut a deep gash in your wrist.

   Doing what you had just done, did subdue the pain in your heart, now the pain was on your arm, but it was almost bearable. You put another cut on your other arm and dropped the bloody knife onto the the rounded rocks below you. You sat back on the flat boulder, you held your arms away from your dress, your dress still had a few blood splatters and smears on them. The world around you began to look white and you felt your body fall back against the rock.


    "Why was she so distraught?" Asked Legolas' father.

"I over heard more off the elves picking on her, telling her that she could not be with me, and bullying her," Legolas replied as he led his father through the dark woods.

"Be with you? Are you finally courting? You know I approve if that is the case?" Thranduil had a feeling deep down that you were soulmates.

"What? N-no...we were never courting," Legolas said quietly.

"Do you wish to court her?" Thranduil looked at his son.

"I....," Legolas looked at the ground,"yes". Thranduil tried to hide a smile. "You do not say a word to anyone Ada," Legolas pointed a finger at him.

"You have my word, my son," Thranduil eventually smiled.

Legolas kept following your tracks that led to a lake. The father and son glanced at each other. They walked further up the shore and what Legolas saw, broke his heart into a million pieces.

"NO! No no no," Legolas repeated as he ran over to the rock. A pale lady in white lie strewn over a flat rock, covered in blood.  Thranduil was not far behind his son.

"Y/n?" Legolas searched your face. "Y/n?" He asked a bit more forceful. He shook your shoulders a little bit. Tears had no trouble coming to his eyes. Thranduil moved to check your pulse.

"She has a pulse! It's so faint, very faint. Legolas carry her, we must make haste if she is going to survive this" he instructed. Thranduil himself ripped two pieces of his robe of and tied them around your cuts. Legolas hoisted you up and let out a sniffle.

    Thranduil wiped one of his tears away," be brave my son. She can make it if we hurry," and that is exactly what happened. Legolas had scaled the forest like never before; you were in the healing room with a pulse still. Legolas remained at your side for the rest of the night and every time after.

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