The Tag Along

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Requested by @oldmusicandswingdancing on Tumblr. This is also my first request, so thank you!

readerPairing: Legolas x reader
Request:  " Hi! If you take requests, I was wondering if you could do a Legolas one where the reader is his wife and she joins the Fellowship as well? Loads of fluff?" — oldmusicandswingdancingfluffiness  (◡‿◡✿)


You watched behind a bush as the fellowship made out on their journey. They hadn't made it that far away from Rivendell actually before things went south.

You had been following them. Why? Well, you wanted to partake in this quest just as badly as your husband, Legolas. Knowing he would not have agreed to you coming along, you decided to remain hidden as best as possible. So here you were hiding in a bush, secretly tagging along.


The sound of a twig snapping between your feet froze your sneaking posture. With a turn of your head you looked through the leafy bush. Your fears soon become a reality. The fellowship had obviously heard the noise. Legolas and Aragorn had their weapons at the ready.

"Step out here!" Ordered Aragorn. You exhaled in defeat. They would find you eventually, why not get this over with now? You slumped your shoulders as you stepped out into the open. When they realized who you were, they put their weapons away. Aragorn looked ashamed; Legolas looked angry and upset and he sheathed his bow.

"y/n?" asked Legolas. He had a hard time believing that you had really done what you did.

"Yes it's me. I know I shouldn't have come but I don't care, Legolas," looking at him under your eye lashes.

"What are you doing here? You were suppo—never mind. Walk with me y/n?"

You hung your head, "Alright then".

"Take a break," ordered Aragorn to the group. They did as they were told.

You followed Legolas into the woods. You knew your husband wanted to get you away from everyone while you talked out this situation. Once he led you to rather big oak tree in the forest he stopped; turned to you.

"You were suppose to stay in Rivendell, where it is safe," he pinched the bridge of his nose. He dropped his hand to look at you.

" I know Legolas. I understand that but is where I should be, but I didn't want to leave you, nor do I not want to sit out while you take part in this journey. I can take care of myself. I want to help! I-" he cut you off. He stepped close to you and placed his hands on both of your shoulders.

"You do realize that if anything..." he tried to find the word," terrible, or...worse happened to you, it would kill me, y/n" he looked directly into your eyes. The seriousness of his words built a lump in your throat.

"I know, and I apologize, meleth nin. I just thought, I can take care of myself, I'm skilled with a blade, and if I was here, we could look after each other. I wouldn't have to spend every night worried sick on whether or not you would return to me," the tears spilled over your eyes. He wiped them away as his facial features softened. "Plus, there's a world around us that needs saving and I'll be damned if I'm just going to sit still and do nothing".

"Oh meleth nin," he said has he hugged you to his chest. He cradled your head with his hand. He twisted and stroked his fingers through your (hair color) hair.

"Your love is what I would miss most on this cursed quest, " he exhaled deeply,"I've decided" he announced as he rubbed your back while you sobbed.

You pulled back to look at him, "d-decided what?"

"Your argument has persuaded me to let you stay, for I would be all too much worried myself, if I would ever get to return to you. You are indeed skilled with a blade and bow. Your love is something that will be needed amidst this trip. You can stay, and I will look after you," he kissed your forehead.

Your tears were nearly dry now,"oh you get the final say? I'm here to help whether you say so or not. We'll look after each other," you sniffled your nose.

As he placed his forehead against yours, "always"

Legolas x Reader: Master PostWhere stories live. Discover now