Scales prt.2 Legolas x (mermaid) reader

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Summary: In this You and Legolas have spent so much time together and you both know you love each other. But what happens when Legolas asks you to join him on land?

Words: 1318 



"Legolas you have been far too kind to me," you said looking in his blue eyes. You had your arms wrapped around his neck so you wouldn't drift off into the current. Legolas looked at you with such adoration.

"Only because you are worthy of such kindness," he smiled at you. The both of you were sharing a romantic night underneath the stars. Yes, stars! Legolas had kept his word and he's kept you safe from the very moment he pulled you from the depths. The stars were absolutely breathtaking. It was a shame to know that they had been there all along and yet, you hadn't gotten the chance to appreciate them.

You had been meeting with the elf prince just about everyday and every night. Each time you could feel your need to be by him grow. There was always that part of your mind that was weary as to if he would leave you, just like the stories say of men. Maybe one day you wouldn't have to worry about him doing that.

"You've been spending so much time with me; has your father noticed?" You asked him as you reached a wet hand up from the water to brush back some of his hair. Legolas looked down to the water at your question.

"Aye, he has. He says I have duties in the kingdom that need to be fulfilled, and yet, my heart is torn between my duties and you. My father may tell me to do many things, but he will never command my heart," he looked up at your awe expression. The things this elf could do to you.

You ran a wet thumb over his soft and smooth lips. Your mermaid touch seemed to be his undoing and the epitome of his desire for you. You have a bubbly giggle as you closed the distance and placed you soft lips over his. You lips seems to fit together as they danced with each other while you kissed.

Kisses from maids of the sea, are not given out lightly. It is said that mermaids have magical powers that (depending upon what they're doing) have certain affects on beings. For example yours would grant Legolas luck in his life and make him able to hold his breath under water longer than others. You pulled back to look at him, but your noses were still touching slightly.

Legolas gave a cheeky smile," words fall utterly short of how that felt y/n," he said and you giggled some more. Legolas cupped your cheek and smoothed it with his thumb.

"I-I know it is a big thing to ask of you, but.... would you come on land with me? You needn't do it, perhaps consider it maybe? I would never harm or leave you like the stories of men say. I will offer you protection and love, and should you turn from me, I am at your disposal," Legolas had just asked a a huge thing of you.

You stared at him in shock. Sure, there was no doubt you loved Legolas, but would it be worth it to leave the sea forever? In the end wouldn't you just want to go back to how things were? He thought terrified you. "L-Legolas.....I don't know what to say."

Legolas looked a bit hurt," if there is anything I can do to have you trust me and come with me, do what ever you need, my love," he told you. You would certainly hold him to it. You had questions.

"You won't leave me?" You asked.

"Never, unless you asked of me".

"Won't others know who or what I am?" You were concerned.

"I haven't told anyone if who or what you are, so I should imagine not," Legolas answered.

"You do understand that I will be extremely out of my comfort zone right?– Legolas, I would be leaving my entire family behind," you said looking into the water.

"I understand and I will help you, every step of the way. We have an eternity together, I will not rush you. I also understand the sadness in doing that y/n. Your family loves you, you can always come here to visit them," he said it like it was the easiest thing in the world.

"I'm putting my whole trust in you Legolas. You have not led me to believe that you are some foul person yet, why should I think of you as anything other than my beloved," you kissed him quick and he kissed back.

" I will see to it that you will get anything you want in life, my lady. You will be adorned with the finest white gems and gowns, you will have the finest silk sheets and towels. And should it come to it, I would married you and you will be my queen who traded a tail for a pair of legs. I am still, hardly deserving of your love, my fair y/n," he touched his forehead with yours. You loved how he spoke of you. He made you feel like you were the only woman in the world and you loved how much he loved you. His word put that warm feeling in your stomach.

"Yes," you looked into his eyes. He stared into your yours with a questioning eye brow.

"Yes," you repeated in a whisper. You were agreeing to go onto land, never to return to the sister that was the sea, the rolling waves that called you daughter and the fish that called you friend. You would miss it with a pain in your heart. You could always come back to visit it, and having a pair of legs would never take away your love for water or the need to swim. You understood that Legolas would respect you for you, and would gladly go with you went you ventured into the streams.

Legolas placed a wet kiss on your mouth as he glided through the water and pulled you with him. You could feel the water getting more shallow and your tail coming in contact with the bottom below you. Legolas broke the kiss for a moment to take a last look at your tail.

"I know I haven't told you much, but your tail is most beautiful y/n. It should make all jealous to look upon you," he soothed you. He ran a hand down your scaly tail. You loved the feeling of his hands a round your fins.

"Thank you," you thanked him. You watched he came to a spot where the fisherman's line had cut into your tail and scarred the skin.

"I will never regret saving you," he said with every ounce of honesty. You smiled.

"I will never regret letting you save me," you kissed his nose. You felt hands grab your elbows as you were pulled more towards shore. Water dripped heavily off of the Prince. He pulled you complexly on dry land and you were nervous to say the least. The blonde elf pulled back enough to watch your tail slowly fuse and form into a a dress that shimmered like your silver scales in the moonlight. You hair had dried more during the process and you had nice- long- locks of soft hair.

"You are absolutely breath taking," he said breathlessly. You blushed as your tried to stand up, but lost your balance. You were about to fall over if Legolas hadn't snatched you in his arms at the right time.

"Number one: I'll always be there to catch you," Legolas have a chuckle at the pun. You laughed at his silliness.

"I guess this walking thing will take time," you said as Legolas began walking back to the palace.

"Don't worry y/n, I will help you. Every step of the way," and that marked the bringing of your new two-legged life.

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