Chapter 6 Team Sticks Together

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While Lynn went on a journey with her friends to the Lost Region, Jordan and his friends and companions in their newly designed space suits are going to the same place, except he shifted with them all the way there. The space they saw is way different from what Lynn and the rest saw the Lost Region being empty, there are lots of ruins in that region plus it's like a ghost town, only no life forms have existed ever since. Jordan also learned that this place is where all the Spirit Guardians died, therefore making him the last one of them. Axe holding the handle of his sword, looked sideways seeing nothing but broken ship parts, saying to Jordan, just to be sure. "Is this the place?" Jordan glanced at him and nodded.

Then the loud screech, shocked Axe and holds Lydia's hand without noticing. She can feel a tension on her and looked down making her ask with a confused look on her face.

"Dude? What's this about?"

"I don't know I just- I uh... uh." Axe stuttered a lot when he noticed he was holding Lydia's hand

"I didn't know you two are a thing." Terran said with a smirk on his face.

Axe and Lydia let go of their hands with disgust and turn their backs on each other. Lydia wore her headphone and turned it into a helmet to hide her blush, While Axe just looks up on the sky acting like no one saw anything.

"Terran? Where have you been?" Casper asked wondering why Terran just came by.

"Nowhere in sight" Terran answered.

Bernard spectates with a binocular where their missing friends went are, only to see Willow being carried unconscious by Lucas. "Guys? I think I found them" Bernard replied to Jordan as he saw their friends. Jordan envisioned them from afar. Seeing Lynn called off their mission to find Toby so they can help heal Willow's injuries but when Lucas checked on her, the injuries she has from Betty's slam are worse than they thought. Believing there's not enough time left to save her. Jordan could shift them right to the moon he and their friends are, but he had to be careful. So, Jordan vanished and appeared knocking on the window gently. Rick and Sabrina must be thinking their crazy when they see Jordan outside.

"No way! He can breathe out there, right?"

Lucas didn't want to explain about this one, so he just allowed Jordan to teleport them to their friends. But instead, Jordan heals Willow using his powers, Rick and Sabrina could see Jordan's aura flowing on him and were impressed. While Jordan performs the Whispering Mist, all of Willow's injuries began to recover, and the damage on her starts to repair, which makes Lynn looks at him with a little amount of disappointment. "Why am I feeling this way?" Lynn asked herself in her mind, "What is this feeling I'm having right now? I know I'm supposed to be glad or relieved he's saving Willow, but... I don't know why. It's like every time he helps others, it makes me feel something else different." When Jordan's glowing aura disappeared, her thoughts snapped, hearing Willow moan as she opens her eyes slowly.

"Ow... What happened?"

"Don't" Lynn told to Willow. "You must rest from now on, you'll be okay soon" although Willow refuses to rest in the car, she just does anyway for others not to worry much. Lynn, Dusk, Lucas, Willow, and Charlotte find themselves in a different part of the Lost Region only it is farther from where they currently were and a lot darker. Rick was about to faint when he knew he's going to die in space, he completely forgets he's wearing the same space suit, as the rest of his new teammates. Carlisle is not happy about it. Then he walks to Jordan who was spreading Borealis on the moon.

"Are you sure you can let those newbies be a part of this" Carlisle asked Jordan, which he nodded at saying "Only until this is done."

"You should be lucky your niece doesn't come along" Carlisle replied to Jordan in a polite yet a strict manner which makes Jordan quite uncomfortable about, Ellen sure had a good time with Carla her grandmother. Jordan assumed that the reason Carlisle is joining is because he knows how to beat the Deceivers, but in his eyes, Jordan saw something else going on in him. How could someone so villainous join the heroes and betray his own, this made Jordan distrust him.

"Check this out!" Bernard said with amazement pointing at the large ship lurking in the dark.

"Alright" Mike replied "If we're going to get there, we need plan to do this without getting caught, because France did tell us the ship is heavily guarded by a bunch of guards out there and in."

"True." Carlisle admitted while looking in Lucas' x-ray binocs "Although there are two who got in there earlier than us besides Toby" This surprised his new allies including Kurai who appears to be looking at the remains of his broken home. "They'll need our help because they won't last long in there." Skylar replied indicating that one day whoever's in there will be caught dead because they had to hide from Cerberus who has abilities stronger than a wolf and Argus even worse. Kurai nodded and he went to the large ship first. "Welp. I hope he knows how to hide." Dusk sighed. "We need disguises if we're going to get in."

"Right." Mike said as he suddenly had an idea "We need the guards' DNAs and add them with the chemicals I mixed to get us to look like them."

"Yeah, but how can we knock them out?" Casper asked Mike.

Sid who disappeared seconds ago, reappeared scaring Mike as he drops one of his chemicals. Time suddenly stops, and Sid caught all Mike's chemicals before they hit the ground. When time resumes in normal speed, Jordan was the first one shocked to look at Sid holding Mike's chemicals, making Carlisle the second person to widen his eyes realize "Oh my. You're a time wielder, like Toby and Argus."

"Can we not talk about this... Please" Sid is embarrassed Carlisle mentions this. "By the way guys, while Mike's explaining about turning into the guards inside, I knocked them out" Sid told Casper and Mike as she pointed out the guards in the ship. "Also, I got their DNA samples."

Inthe meantime, Brother Argus and Brother Cerberus while searching for someoneinside noticed something odd when they glanced at the window, when both lookagain, they saw nothing but black. Brother Argus is having a strange feelingabout this, and Brother Cerberus agreed growling. Argus told Cerberus to keeplooking for whoever's in their ship while he tries to envision the past, andall he saw is no one in it, he tries digging deeper for the truth and stillnothing, but an empty moon. Argus assumed that he was just seeing things, andjust left to continue the search. Toby knew that his friends were on that moon,but how did Argus not see that. The answered is revealed when the shining lighton Charlotte's eyes started to fade. "The team sticks together Toby" Charlottesaid in hopes of finding him as soon as possible. "You're welcome, Blondie."Carlisle said politely before Charlotte would say thanks. 

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