Chapter 6 Lynn learns the truth

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Jordan didn't understand how Della died, and hemeditated in the observation dome so he could visualize the memories, but allhe could see was Della dying. Casper and Bushin walked in to apologize for whathe said. However, he also knows he needs help. So, Bushin broke Jordan'sconcentration by suggesting. "Think happy thoughts Jordan, it helps releasestress" 

Jordan gasped and opened his eyes, looking both sideways only to seehim with Bushin. "Somehow you're starting to sound like your dad" 

Jordan saidroughly. "At least I'm trying to help" 

Casper joined "You're overthinking." 

Jordan pulls out the hologram acceptance letter, he looks at it and thenproceeds to throw it. Bushin nor Casper didn't do something to hold him backfrom breaking the box that shows the letter itself. After Jordan left the roomBushin fixes it in one second and reads it. 

Bushin now realizes why Jordan wasso angry and overprotective to his friends and him. He didn't just protect themso they can be safe, he didn't want to leave them. As much as their friends arefamily to Bushin they're also family to Jordan as well. Meanwhile in thebedroom, Lynn removed her left glove to see the Star of the Descendant. Onlythis time it shone brighter, intensifying the pain she felt. Sasha walks in theroom to see if she's doing fine. 

Lynn heard Sasha's footsteps and wears theglove quickly so she wouldn't see the Star of the Descendant, however Sasharemoved the glove right before Lynn could act like nothing happened. Sasha'sface froze seeing it. Sid entered the room looking for Lynn, but when she did,she saw Sasha strangely observing Lynn's hand "Hey buddy?" 

Sid called "Are youokay?" Sasha took one step away, and mutters when she tries to explain "Hithere Sidney... I just came here to see her nails." 

 "Sasha, Lynn doesn't like getting her nailspainted." Said Sid. Just as she realizes it, she murmurs angrily at herself,Sid heard it clearly and repeated her last word "Sister?" Suddenly somethingshook the HQ mothership, triggering the alarm. Skaman rushed into the controlcenter only to find his friends dead beaten by Eternal. 

Jordan felt hispresence and he thought himself "He's here" Bushin felt the same thing. So,they zoomed to the hall. Just to see Eternal in his regular size and the shipcollapsing. Jordan and Bushin fought valiantly together against him, and it didnot last long when Eternal blasted a light beam at them, Willow fired a brightoptical light beam, distracting Eternal so Mike could fire the UV gun ray. Butthe plan backfired when Lynn shoots an arrow at him. 

Eternal was blown outafter that. Jordan couldn't believe his eyes as he witnessed Lynn's powersgrowing, later he sees the Star of the Descendant on her forehead. Eventuallyhe learned there was another descendant, except it's not what Galaxia informedSkaman. Lynn hits Eternal furiously, attack after attack. She didn't hesitateto fight with the intention to kill, she wasn't even herself that time. Lucasin his upgraded suit called Tech 75 joined in. Lynn looked and behaved likeshe's a completely different person. Lucas flies straight to Eternal, butcrashes on Lynn instead. Eternal was swift for him to notice it. Luckily, hehas the power tech guide on helmet to analyze his fighting skills. Lynn rushedin again, before anyone could even stop her especially Kurai. Lucas' scan wascomplete and therefore he has Eternal's moves. Axe is surprised to see Lucasfighting just like Eternal, but Lydia told him "Lucas can do more than that." 

Axe turned to Lydia on his right. "What did you mean." And Lucas' light beam,answered his question. After Eternal dealt with Lucas and Lynn knocking themboth unconscious, Dusk and Dawn joined together to fight him him. "Luna/SolarBlast!" Both yelled simultaneously. The blast held Eternal back down, but heabsorbed it, and beats the twins down at once. Jordan angrily rushed to thebattle and attempts to overpower him with everything he has. Jordan sends outthe borealis rainfall, which Eternal swiftly dodges, causing him to lose focus.Eternal thinks he won the battle once he defeated Jordan, but when Glenbrutally ambushed. 

Eternal knows in his regular human size state he couldendure Glen's combat skills, but not long enough for him to turn to his giantform. 

Glen throws Eternal far away creates a huge blackhole then throws it fromthe damaged mothership to Eternal. Charlotte fired their arrows at the massiveblack hole. Creating dome. Jordan wished he could help fix the Mothership butonce it was demolished, it can no longer be rebuilt. So, they went to a safeplanet called Aurora. It was named so because of the flow of colorful lightsurrounding the planet. 

Lynn who is sleeping in the underground base, dreamedabout herself surrounded by the doors, with only one of them leading her out.Then Eternal appeared behind her, whispering in her ear his words, "Dear Lynn,happy to see me?" Trapped in an invisible dome, Lynn tried getting herself outof here so she could beat Eternal like she could've done. "What did you do tome." Lynn shouted. "Oh nothing of course you have that star on your hand eversince you are born, your big sister has the same one." Lynn first looked at herhand showing the star, next she asked, "What are you talking about?" "I don'thave a sister. It was just my dad and Freddie." Eternal smirked and he explainseverything like telling a story, "Once upon a time, there was a girl born withthe Star of the Descendant on her left palm, along with her big sister havingthe same star. They live together with a happy family. One day her mother, sawpower within her two little daughters, and decided to separate them, thereforethe big sister lives with her kind and loving foster parents, and the girlstays with her mother and father." Lynn seemed confused and wonders at the sametime. But she still has the urge to get out. Then after that, the words thatspeak the truth escape from Eternal's mouth as he releases them, "Your sisteris Sasha, your father lied to protect you, and your brother didn't know aboutall this." Suddenly something grabbed Lynn and restrained her. She triesbreaking out, but it's no use, her powers didn't work. Eternal act so pitifulto her for tying her up. He glared at her closely and said calmly "I know whatyou're thinking. I am you and you're brother and sister's ancestor." Eternallends her a hand to free her from the hold, only in one condition, "Join meLynelle, and your friends will be free. If you don't... I won't hesitate to killthem in front of you" Lynn kept struggling to break free, but the cuffs on herwrists and ankles only tighten up more. And then Lynn woke up from hernightmare. Lynn walks outside the underground base and stares at the Aurora'strying Forget Eternal's options he gave to her. Sasha went outside theunderground base to check on her, and so did Bushin. 

They both hid inside andthen peaked. Sid sat beside Lynn and talks to her. Lynn needed a little space,so she turned away from him. Sid is only trying to help her, but Lynn tried notto listen, and she yelled at him, "Stay away from me Sid! Can't you see I'm thedescendant of that man trying to kill you guys! Just leave me alone!" 

Sid sawfear and sadness inside Lynn even though she yelled loudly or hurt her. Sidtakes a few steps away from Lynn her best friend so she wouldn't get even morehurt. "You know you're not the only one who hides secrets like that." Sid said.Her telling this made Lynn ask Sid "What do you mean?" Sid smiled at her andanswered "Well I have ghost abilities that scare few of my classmates when Iwas young. I didn't know what I did to them, but they bullied me for it, andcalled me phantom freak. "Even my brother makes fun of me." Lynn felt sorryknowing all Sid has been through. Seemingly confused Lynn asked, "Is that whyyou don't want to go to Highlands Horizon with me 5 years ago." "Yes" Sidanswered, "I'm mostly afraid my brother would make me uncomfortable for who Iam, what my powers are, or wherever I go with him." Lynn hugged Sid and saidsorry for yelling at her and for Sid's horrible childhood. Sasha feeling like thethird wheel sees Lynn and Sid walking together as best friends, apparently likesisters. Sasha blamed herself for not coming to her sooner, she blamed herfoster parents, and most of all she's jealous of Sid. Bushin didn't like theway Sasha looked at her. 

The next morning the teens help Hunter pack histhings, weapons, and tools to fix the Mothership severely damaged compared towhen Hunter destroyed the engine itself. Hunter thanked them for helping. 

Heshook Skaman's hand saying, "Goodbye Captain" Skaman said back. "Goodbye son.It has always been nice working with you again" Hunter flew the ship away andwaved right before it was gone.

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