Chapter 5- Sophomore Year

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Age 15

I am exhausted and covered in a thick layer of sweat after dance practice. I was training extra hard for the regional competition next month. I am already in a loose T-shirt that has been cut showing off my tight stomach from dancing for so many years and some shorts, so I don't bother changing as I take the bus home.

Walking from the bus stop I am surprised when I see who is at my front porch.

"Sam? What the hell are you doing here?" I grin giving him a hug.

"I appreciate the hug, A, but you are kind of gross and sweaty." He says.

"Oh." I let go.

"Why are you sweaty anyway?" he asks curiously.

"You still haven't answered my question." I divert him.

"Oh, yeah." He grins. "I just moved here!" he announces.

"What?" I say shocked.

He laughs at my stunned expression. "My mum got married and is moving to England. So I asked her if I could live with my aunt and uncle and she said okay, so now I am living with Noah." He explains.

"That's awesome." It really was. After meeting him last year he came to visit as often as he could. He was hilarious and crazy to hang out with. It would be great to have him around.

"So we need to celebrate!" he announces.

"What about the others?"

"Noah, Zack and Ethan are at an away game so it is just us tonight." He explains.

The guys all played football. Cliché I know but they were your typical popular jocks. The only odd thing about our group was me, the tomboy who spent most of her time with them.

"Okay. What do you suggest?"

An hour later I was showered and dressed, following Sam.

"Today we do everything for free." He says.

"What do you mean?"

"You will see." He grins.

Uh oh. This can't be good. We are in town somewhere wondering around without much of a plan.

"Let's get some food." Sam suggests.

We go to a casual looking restaurant and order some food. After chatting and eating he excuses himself to go to the bathroom. A minute later I get a text.

Sam: Dine and Ditch, baby ;)

Me: WHAT??? You left me here alone!

Sam: Everything for free. Stand up and casually walk out the restaurant.

Unsure what else to do, I follow his instructions, feeling my heart beat rapidly and my hands sweat with nerves. Oh, god. I am going to get caught. They will call the police and I will get arrested. Then they will call my parents and I will be grounded. I was so going to kill Sam after this.

Sure enough, I don't end up getting caught. I just walk out. No one looks at me as I get out the door unnoticed. I find Sam grinning outside. I run up to him and punch his in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"You left me in there!" I exclaim.

"It is less obvious if we leave separately. You have to admit that it is fun though, right?"

Damn. He was right. It was scary but thrilling. Not that I plan on doing it again anytime soon.

"Fine." I sigh. "It was fun. So what is next?"

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