Chapter 21- Freshman Year of College (Part Two)

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"Hey did you hear about The List?" Nicole asks me one day.

"What is The List?" I ask as we get ready for class.

"It is an official list that seniors make every year for the freshman to complete before they graduate. We should try and complete it. It could be fun." She suggests.

"Sure. Why not? We are in college. We might as well get the full experience. How bad can it be?" I say peering over her laptop and read the list. "Oh."

"Yeah. It isn't too bad though. Well some of it is but we can just ignore those." She agrees with me.

1.    Streak through campus

2.    Crash a party where you don't know anyone

3.    Fool around in the library

4.    Dance on a table

5.    Sneak into somewhere restricted on campus

6.    Stay awake for 24 hours straight

7.    Sneak onto the highest roof on campus

8.    Play beer pong at a frat party

9.    Go on a blind date

"Well those aren't too horrific. I mean we already completed number four." I say to Nicole.

"There is more." She informs me.


10. Take a selfie with the mascot

11. Do a cross campus walk of shame

12. Swim in a fountain

13. Dye your hair

14. Sleep under the stars

15. Get a tattoo

16. Kiss a friend

17. Attend a lecture in your pyjamas

18. Prank someone

19. Have a one night stand

20. Dance in the rain

Okay. So this may be harder than I thought. "We can do this." I say unsure of myself.

"Sure. But let's start with going to class." Nicole says to me.

"You know what? I think I am going to go to my first lecture like this." I tell her.

"In your pyjamas?"

"Number seventeen. We have been here two weeks. Might as well start now if we are going to finish it before college ends." I remind her shrugging.

I grab my books and head for my business studies class. In my pyjamas. I get slightly weird looks from people as I walk through campus but I ignore them as I take my seat in class.

"Hey. You are Alison right?" a cute guy sits down next to me.

"Yeah. Hi." I respond feeling awkward because I don't know his name.

"I am Eric." He introduces himself. "Can I ask you a question?" he asks as our lecturer walks in. luckily we are near the back so she shouldn't notice.


"Why exactly are you in your pyjamas?" he grins.

"Why are you not in your pyjamas?" I smirk.

"Good point." He leans back in his chair.

"I am trying to complete The List." I explain.

"Oh yeah. I heard about that." He says nodding.

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