Chapter 22- Sophomore Year of College

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Age 19

"You, me. This Friday? What do you say?" Eric asks sitting next to me in the library one day.

"No." I answer looking back down at my textbook.

"Come on. Why not? We get along great. And you are hot. I am hot. It is meant to be." He jokes and I roll my eyes.

"If. And that is a big if. If I went out with you, where would you take me?" I question him.

"That is a surprise. One that is for me to know and for you to find out."

I laugh at his cheesiness. "Okay. I am intrigued so yes. I will go out with you." I tell him.

"Great. Pick you up at seven." He says before standing and leaving me alone with my textbooks.

Well that was random. Eric and I have become pretty good friends in the year that I have known him. I mean sure, we flirt a lot. But he has never actually asked me out before. Or maybe that was because I was busy going on dates and hooking up with lots of different guys. After last year, I decided to settle down a bit. Spend less time worrying about my social life and more on school. I am now double majoring in dance and business so life has been busy.

I pack up my books when it gets late and start heading over to the apartment. Now that I am in my second year of college I have moved out of the dorms and moved into an apartment a floor above the boy's apartment which was great. Noah and Zack are both still living there along with Ethan. Sam and Laura moved in together opposite my apartment which I share with Nicole. It is much more spacious than our tiny dorm room that we used to share.

"Hey! You are home!" Nicole suddenly rushes out of her bedroom, suspiciously as I enter the apartment.

"Uh. Yeah. Was studying late. Are you okay? You look kind of flushed." I ask her.

Her cheeks were pink and her blue hair and clothes were a mess.

"Yeah. I am fine." she answers quickly.

"Do you have company?" I whisper.

She blushes before nodding. "Yeah." She whispers back.

"I am gonna go. And leave you to go back to whatever it was that you were doing?" I say wiggling my eyebrows.

I drop my bag on the couch, just grabbing my phone and keys before heading upstairs to the boy's apartment.

"Hey." I say walking in and helping myself to an apple, and then lying across the couch with my feet resting on Ethan's lap who is watching American Pie.

"What are you doing here?" he asks me.

"Nicole has a friend over." I shrug, biting my apple. "Where is everyone?"

"Zack went on a date. I don't know where Noah went." He says still watching the TV.

"Speaking of dates, guess what happened today?"

"What?" he asks looking away from the TV and at me.

"Eric asked me out." I say casually.

"What? What did you say?" he asks surprised.

"I told him yes. I haven't been on date or in a relationship in a while. I will just see where it goes. No promises." I tell him.

I hadn't been in a relationship since Zack dumped me in high school. I wanted to enjoy being single for a while.

"Okay. Just be careful. I see the way he looks at you." Ethan warns me.

"I am a big girl. I can handle myself." I remind him.

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