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12 years later...

Age 35

"Mum! Have you seen my point shoes anywhere?" I hear Evie tell from somewhere in house.

"You left them in your dance bag by the front door." I tell back.

"Thanks." She says as she walks into the kitchen with her point shoes in hand.

"Don't forget we have everyone arriving tonight for the party." I remind her.

"Yeah mum. Happy birthday." She hugs me.

"Thanks. Now be careful on the bus. And tell Caitlin that I will be there on Monday to help out with the new class." I tell her.

"Sure, mum. Matt and John are coming early along with Jake and Ben. Will be back in a few hours." She says before walking out the door.

"Bye!" I call out.

Matt is Sam and Laura's eldest and John is Noah and Nicole's son. The three of them grew up together and we're best friends. They just started high school this year and Evie started the year before where she met Jake and Ben. They all reminded me so much of me and the guys.

I finish making the food for later tonight and put it in the fridge when the door bell rings. I go over to answer it.

"Hey mum!" I hug her and then my dad who comes in behind her.

"Hey, honey. I hope we are not too late. Our flight got delayed." She explains.

"No problem. Come in. You can leave your bags in Evie's room." I tell them.

"Hey, sis!" Violet walks in.

"Hi. You left your bag here last week." I tell her pointing to the bag by the door." Violet goes to Berkeley so she is over quite a lot. It is her first year there studying architecture and she was loving it.

"Oh thanks. I was looking for that everywhere. I thought my roommate was borrowing my stuff without telling me again." She says before going off to grab it.

"So have you heard from Aiden yet?" I ask her.

"Yeah he said the honeymoon is going great. There was this little incident with Ellie ending up in the ER from slicing her foot on the reef but she is fine." She tells me.

"Oh god. I will have to call him tomorrow." I say.

Our brother and Ethan's sister just got married two weeks ago and were in the Bahamas for their honeymoon.

"Mum, is Dylan coming over soon? He said he was being the new play station game." Daniel my eldest son asks me.

"He should be over in a couple of hours when Sam and Laura get here." Dylan was their second son.

He walks off without saying anything. He is eleven years old and he is already acting like a teenager.

"I can't imagine you not being a mum." Violet says to me.

"That would be because you were only a few years old when I became one." I say. "Now you take your time okay? I am not ready for you to make me an aunt anytime soon." I warn her.

"I am only nineteen! You have nothing to worry about. I do have a new boyfriend though." She announces, grinning.

"Oh really? Is he cute?" I ask her.

"Is who cute? Because you better be talking about me." Zack says sneaking up behind me.

"Hi. Where have you been?" I ask him.

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