Chapter 31- Opening Night

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Tonight is the opening night of the bar and the first time I have gone out since Evie was born. I mean sure I have gone to the grocery store, the mall, to friends houses but I haven't had a proper night out without Evie.

Right now she was home with a babysitter. I was nervous leaving her with someone who wasn't a friend or family but Zack told me to stop worrying so much. I am sure she will be fine. But maybe I should call her just in case. Just to make sure everything is okay.

I pull out my phone and start dialling when my phone is snatched out of my hands.

"Hey!" I yell at the thief. Oh no it's just Noah with a smug look on his face.

"Stop calling. You were literally on the phone with the babysitter less than ten minutes ago and everything was perfectly fine. Evie is fast asleep and will probably stay like that until you get home. It is only a couple of hours." Noah reminds me.

"Don't you have a wife somewhere to annoy." I tell him.

"His wife ordered him to make sure his friend is having fun like she is meant to be." Nicole says appearing out of nowhere.

"I am having fun." I insist. "I just don't like leaving her with a stranger."

"Well she isn't a complete stranger." Nicole says. "She is my co-workers daughter and a very sweet girl. She even knows first aid. Not that she will need it because Evie will be fast asleep. So quit worrying and have a drink."

"One drink. My alcohol tolerance is not what it used to be!" I warn her.

The bar doesn't have an official name yet but it will be announced tonight during the speeches. Zack and Sam refuse to tell anyone what they are going to name it. Which has obviously been driving me mad.

The bar is now full of people. Invite only. So we have lots of investors and business people along with friends. Neither Sam's mum or Zack's dad made it to the opening but Steven and Linda did which is great. We also have a few bloggers and reporters here to give reviews and create more publicity.

The bar was fairly large and modern with black, white and red colours as the theme. There was a square bar in the middle of the room with tables set up around it and booths along the walls. Further in the bag was a larger space were a small stage is set up for local bands and musicians to play as well as space for a small dance floor.

What took the longest for the boys to organise was the staff. Zack is handling most of the finances and Sam is handling the staff, musicians to come and perform, promotions and the publicity. Sam was also bartending a bit but they hired one main bartender and two other bartenders to help out too. They also have four full time waiters and four part time waiters which sort of do a bit of everything. There are also two chefs and two part time chefs because they are serving basic food such as fries and burgers as well as sandwiches and a few other things during certain hours.

"Ooh. Speech time!" Laura comes over and drags us closer to the stage.

"Hey. Did you tell him yet?"
I say in a quieter voice.

"Yeah. I did." She grins. "I told him last night."

"And what did he say?"

"He was thrilled. Obviously we weren't planning on having kids this early but that doesn't matter. He is excited to be a dad." She says to me.

"He really has been in a good mood today. I thought that was just because of the bar." I watch him getting ready for the speech. He has had a non-stop grin on his face all night.

"Hey everyone." Sam starts to speak into the mic getting everyone's attention. "I would like to welcome you all tonight to our new Bar."

"As you all know, we have yet to announce the name." Zack joins in.

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