Chapter 25- Junior Year of College (Part Two)

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"We are going out!" Ethan announces one night when we are back home in our apartment.

So what if we drunkenly had sex one, two, okay five times at the wedding. We are best friends and nothing is going to stop that. We just kind of pretend nothing happened. Like the first time. But unlike the first time where it was awkward and sweet, our night in Hawaii was hot and passionate. And boy, was it good. We agreed not to tell anyone and just continued on with life acting normal. It has been about a week since school started again and everyone was busy doing something except for me and Ethan it seems.

"Where? Why?" I moan.

"Because I have decided that we are going to celebrate your birthday early. Just the two of us. And I also decided that we must complete The List by midnight. Before you are twenty one." He tells me.

"Fine. Let me just get dressed." I tell him as I am currently in sweats because I wasn't planning on going anywhere tonight and was planning on spending the night watching Netflix."

I throw on my skinny jeans and my Berkeley sweatshirt and then grab The List which is now a very crumpled piece of paper which is falling apart.

1. Streak through campus

2. Crash a party where you don't know anyone

3. Fool around in the library

4. Dance on a table

5. Sneak into somewhere restricted on campus

6. Stay awake for 24 hours straight

7. Sneak onto the highest roof on campus

8. Play beer pong at a frat party

9. Go on a blind date

10. Take a selfie with the mascot

11. Do a cross campus walk of shame

12. Swim in a fountain

13. Dye your hair

14. Sleep under the stars

15. Get a tattoo

16. Kiss a friend

17. Attend a lecture in your pyjamas

18. Prank someone

19. Have a one night stand

20. Dance in the rain

There were five things left to do on the list. I hadn't looked at it since l got back from Hawaii and crossed off number nineteen.

"Here is the list. Where do we start?" I ask him pulling on my shoes.

"I know just the one. Let's go. We have a long night ahead of us." We head to his car and he drives us to god knows where. We finally pull up at a car park and he leads me to a tattoo parlour.

I gulp. "Are you sure?" I ask nervously.

"It is one the list. I mean you have gotten this far. If you don't want to you don't have to." He tells me.

"I want to. I am just not sure what I am going to get. Let's go in and I can have a look." I say and we walk in.

A guy covered in tattoos gives me and album like thing which is full of designs and one has different fonts for writing.

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