Ch. 3

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Thank you for waiting *bows* I did my best, but will my best be good enough? ( * ^ *)


Everything was still for a few minutes. Then, I felt him leaning closer to me. I was ready but Instead of a excruciating pain that I was bracing myself for, I felt his sweet warm lips on mine instead. I slowly opened my eyes only to find him looking at me longingly.

"How can you not trust my word... young master?" He paused. " Has there ever been a day where I haven't told the truth?"

I was beyond shocked. I have never seen Sebastian like this, so melancholic and sad.

((Sebastian's POV))

I can see the shock in his eyes. He has never seen me in such state.

He caressed my cheeks, "I've never seen you like this."

"Of course, I made sure you never did, but today is an exception. Doing this is quite a disgrace to a butlers honour, for one must stay calm in any situation" looking straight into his eyes, I continued "Do forgive me If you find this disgraceful, but I cannot not prove myself."

He shook his head, "please don't do this Sebastian, you're making my decision waver. J-just take my soul. I'm fine with it!"

I pinned the other down the bed, holding both his hands down.

"Why do you keep doubting me!?" I snapped. "What do I need to do!? What do I need to say in order to prove it!?"

"You've never told me anything concerning your feelings!" he snapped back, "how do you expect me to understand!? You're a demon! I don't know how demons think. I wouldn't understand unless you tell me. I'm not a mind reader, dammit!"

That moment I realised... not once have I ever told him my feelings. I never knew that such thing was so crucial. "Then," I said "I'm going to tell you, right here, right now what my true feelings are."

He gulped.

"You're very important to me. I need you and I don't see you as a meal... though, at first I did but not anymore... and.." I paused, " I love you, from the bottom of my heart..." I finally said the things I've never told him before. Would he finally understand what I have been trying to convey?

"No!" he yelled " There's no way that can be true! I refuse to believe it! I want to be fooled no more!"

He started yelling, calling me a liar and how I was just making fun of him. My chest started aching... it's even more excruciating than getting stabbed by a death scythe. My mind got all muddled up and before I knew it, his mouth was on mine.

He struggled and squirmed but there was no way I'd let go of him let alone stop. It took a while for him to finally give up and calm down.

"Ngghhh.." he moaned " S-se.. mhh.."

I pulled out slowly, "Have you calmed down now, young master?"

He nods, "mhm." Looking up at me with watery eyes, "that wasn't fair at all."

I smiled and then frowned "please don't ever say that again, young master. I might be a demon, but I also get hurt from time to time, specially when it concerns you."

"I'm sorry..." he said "but are you really speaking of the truth? Do you really... love me?"

I chuckled softly. "I adore you far too much..."

He shook his head. "I always felt that it was just my one sided love the whole time. So... 'twas a big shock when you told me you loved me back. And.. uhmm... Sebastian?"


"I think.. you can stop now." he said.

"Stop what? " I asked, starting to get frantic again. "I don't understand, didn't you say that you believed me?"

"It's not that." He laughed, " Ah! ow!.. please stop gripping my wrist... it hurts"

I immediately let go of his wrist. "I'm terribly sorry."

The young master laughed again

That moment I noticed our horrible position. I was on top of him. I wished it was only that... but I was also pressing him hard unto the bed. I thought, this is like assault... No, on second thought, this is assault. I was about to move but he stopped me. "What is it young master?"

"S-stay with me... I have a feeling that you'd be gone or take back what you've said once I open my eyes in the morning," he pouted.

"I wont..." I assured him, "but let's get out of this terrible position. I'm probably crushing you right now, doesn't it feel uncomfortable?"

He laughed softly after realising, "no, not at all. The bed is soft." I got off of my young master. "Say, Sebastian?"


"Won't you lie here with me tonight?"

I smiled at him. "I'll be more than honuored to."

He smiled back at me with a faint blush.

((Ciel's pov))

I'm really glad we cleared that up. It's scary how desperation affects the way you think. The relief I'm feeling is indescribable. "I'm not going to let you on the bed with that attire though." Eyeing the uniform that I've always seen him wearing.

"Is that so? Then It wouldn't be a problem if I take some of them off, would it?" He bit the tip of his glove, slowly sliding it off his hand like he always does. I blushed out of embarrassment, yet was unable to take my eyes off him. He took off his coattail and his vest and set them on the chair that was next to my bed. He removed his tie, tilting his head a bit to the side. He smirked, knowing that I was looking at him. He loosened up his shirt before laying next to me. It made me blush even harder. "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

He raised a brow. "Doing what, young master? I'm only following your orders." he paused. A smirk forming in his lips. "Oh, could you have been looking at me the whole time?"

I dove my head into the pillow from embarrassment. Grrr... why does this bastard have to be so alluring!?

"I'm honoured to be given such passionate stares by my master." He whispered into my ears.

"Stop talking like that... or I'll kick you out!" I warned.

He smiled "I'm sorry, I'm just ...happy."

I snuggled up to him, using his arm as a pillow. "I hope things get better from now on." I mumbled.

"It doesn't matter if it gets better or not. I wont leave your side no matter what happens." Intertwining his fingers with mine and then mumbled, "kay... tungud kay gihigugma tikaw."

"What?" I asked.

"No, it's nothing my lord." He smiled, "you should get some rest. Good night, young master" Sebastian said and kissed my forehead.

"Good night" I replied snuggling even closer to him.


((Once again thank you for reading. *bows*


"Kay... Tungud kay gihigugma tikaw~" It meant "because...well... it's because I'm in love with you."  I felt like putting it in English would be boring.. but I do not know enough Spanish and Ciel knows French... In this part, Sebastian wanted to say what he was feeling but somehow thought that he shouldn't tell Ciel yet .

THIS ISN'T THE END! THERE ARE STILL MORE FOLLOWING CHAPTERS TO GO! Please see my fanfic through to the end))

Sebastian X Ciel (kuroshitsuji/black butler)[boyxboy] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now