Ch. 13

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I honestly don't know what to write for chapter 13... Here goes nothing. 


((Sebastian's POV))

Since I know how tired and hurt my young master is, I allowed him to sleep in for today. It was around half past three when he finally woke up.

"Why didn't you wake me!?" Was the first thing he said after waking up.

"What are you fretting for, young master?" I asked, as i helped him sit up.

His eyebrows were furrowed. "Isn't today the day that we're supposed to give our answers to Mira?"

((Ciel's POV))

Sebastian smiled and sat beside me, brushing the hair from my eyes with his hands. "There's no need to hurry."

This left me puzzled. "but..."

"She would prefer to hear our answers tonight. Aside from sunset and dawn, she doesn't like the sun at all."

Now that I think about it, I've never seen her outside much and if she ever does, she'd change into clothings that would cover almost all the parts of her body. It can't possibly be because she's a demon. Sebastian is fine with the sun. But now that you think about it, I've never seen Sebastian showing any skin aside from the time that we did it. Well... it wasnt that much skin though.


"Yes, my lord?"

"This is an order. Strip."

"Eh?" He was taken back for a moment from the random order that was given to him. "May I question why I am given such order? Not that I mean to disobey you."

I looked at him too innocently. "I've never seen you naked. While you get to see me bare all of the time. I want equal treatment. That's all."

"Equal treatment is impossible in this case. You're the master, and I am the butler. Between those two, there can be no equality. One is lower than the other."

I pouted after letting out a small sigh. "I'm not talking about our 'master-butler' relationship. The relationship I'm talking about is our relationship as lovers. Or have you forgotten?" I blinked a few times then let out an innocent smile. "Now, please stop changing the subject and strip?"

He couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "You've got me. Very well." He started by removing his necktie, then he started unbuttoning his shirt dropping all of his tops from coattail, to vest, to his dress shirt on the floor revealing a well toned body which was not too muscular nor too thin. It was... attractive compared to mine which is quite scrawny. I moved closer to him and placed my hand on his stomach tracing the outlines of his muscles but the bandages where in the way.

"Sebastian, when do I get to remove these bandages?" I asked.

He took my hand and looked at it. "Tomorrow, if nothing happens."

"Is that so. Well, never mind that... please continue." Just then, my stomach made a rumbling noise. I knew that the show was over and sighed.

He chuckled. "I have brought food here with me knowing that you would be hungry. After eating, a bath comes next to prepare for tonight. But... I won't be the one attending you." He picked up his clothes and started putting them back on. "Mey-rin, you can enter now."

"Y-Y-Y-yeesss!" A girl with pigtails came in with face as red as a tomato. After Sebastian left, I stared at her which made her panick. "Y-Young master! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to intrude. I didn't really look, I promise!"

Sebastian X Ciel (kuroshitsuji/black butler)[boyxboy] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now