Ch. 19

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I had no intention of participating in the Season, but halfway through it, I was sent an invitation that Sebastian said I could not refuse. And so, with a little coaxing here and there, Sebastian and I headed for London.

* * *

"Sebastian, it's too hot today and I'm all sweaty." Sitting in my summer house's study with my shirt unbuttoned halfway, I fanned myself with a piece of paper. "Get me something cold." 

"You look very improper, young master." he said, strolling around in his thick tailcoat. "Even though the weather is just very mild." 

I huffed at him. "Mild? You can't possibly understand. You're a demon." 

"Indeed, I am a demon. But so are you, if you have forgotten."  He retorted.

"I refuse to work in this heat," growling a little up at him. 

He stood there completely unmoved. "Feel free to do so. I do not see how that would affect me." 

Giving up, with a long sigh, I rested my head on the table. "I just want something cold. Why is that so impossible?" 

"It is not yet time for afternoon snacks," Sebastian said simply, clearly unwilling to move his ground.

 "I want something cold and sweet...." manifesting cat ears and a tail before feigning begging. "Please?" 

 A faint blush appeared in his cheeks. "Ye.... n-no..." He hesitated, but I continued staring at him silently as the tail behind me swayed back and forth. "Of... course. Right this instant." Making a small bow, he left the room with haste. 

I mused, proud of myself. 'Sebastian liking cats isn't such a bad thing after all since I can use it to my advantage.' Is what I often think. But he dotes on them far too much! Isn't one cat enough for him?' I thought. On this, my tail swayed with irritation. He keeps running after cats! But he doesn't even initiate anything with me when I'm in my cat form. I'm the one who does all the work before we could become intimate! If I don't push him, he'll never do anything! 

Moments later, Sebastian came back in with something that looked like frozen juice on a flat stick. 

There was a moment of silence before I finally asked. "What... is that?" Sitting at the edge of my seat, and leaning over to get a better view. 

 He stood in front of my desk holding the phallus shaped, frozen... thing innocently in his hands. 

"It's simply a mix of different fruit juices. A frozen fruit-punch, to be direct. I believe that they call this a 'popsicle'." He answered. 

 I looked at it, then at him. "Very well, feed me," boldly, and impatiently opening my mouth up at Sebastian. I'll have you initiate it this time, my demon.

I didn't to know what to make of his expression. Whether it was amusement or confusion, or perhaps a mix of both. "Very well," he said before letting the tip of the popsicle  touch my tongue. 

Enclosing my mouth on the ice, I began to suck on on it lightly. It tasted surprisingly better than a normal cold fruit-punch. I pulled out from it, licking my lips. "It's good." I looked up at him hoping that I had somehow triggered something inside him with that suggestive move. His eyes sparkled like they always do whenever he's petting or feeding a cat. No piercing eyes filled with lust or anything of the sort. He was far too distracted by my ears and tail that I decided to make them disappear. This snapped Sebastian back to reality.

"Pardon? Did you say anything?" He asked

"I said, 'it's good'." Completely unamused. 

He smiled. "I am glad to hear that."

Sebastian X Ciel (kuroshitsuji/black butler)[boyxboy] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now