Ch. 17

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I skim through my chapters once in a while to look at my improvement and to remember what I've written. I end up sobbing with embarrassment everytime. Although, not that I'm bragging (I'm just happy about it), but I must say that I have improved quite considerably. Even though I do still make a lot of typos and dumb mistakes like repeating/ missing words.

With that said let me take this chance to apologise to readers from fanfiction(dot)net. I often forget to put lines that separate author side notes from the story. You must've had trouble reading from time to time. 

"The slim man" "What is love? Don't hurt me.... no more"

writer: *laughs at her own joke*

Sebastian: She looks like she's enjoying herself.

Ciel: No... she looks more like she's suffering. How pitiful.

 A woman in black Greek toga with olive skin and chestnut coloured hair greeted us with a grin and a ball of fire in her hands the moment we stepped outside. It seems that she was the one who caused the explosions. “Won’t you have fun with me?” 

"Chienne." Sebastian stepped in front of me, shielding me from Chienne’s piercing glare. I wonder why someone would name their daughter ‘Chienne’. Sebastian said, “I have no time to play with you.”

“Don’t call me Chienne! Just ‘Chi’ will do.” She threw the ball of fire at the house behind us which exploded the moment the fireball hit.

Sebastian wrapped his arms around me and got us away from the flying concrete walls. “Chienne suits you perfectly.” He said, as he set me down on the ground.

“Now, now, let’s have a small spar for old time’s sake. Don’t worry, I won’t damage your body too much. I want it after all.” She eyed me disgustedly. “But as for your partner over there… I’m sure he’ll become a good whipping post.”

The aura around Sebastian darkened. “Those who dare hurt my young master are better off dead.” He mumbled. Sebastian looked straight to my eyes. “I will make this as short as I can. I won’t allow anyone to lay their hand on you.” He said, before planting a quick kiss on my lips.

Chienne screamed and threw a fireball towards us. Sebastian walked towards the approaching fireball and caught it with his hands, burning his gloves and half the sleeves of his uniform. “Don’t tell me you plan on fighting me in human form?” Chienne laughed.

“I cannot allow my young master to see my true form. No matter what.”

Chienne cackled. “How amusing.”

In this fight, Sebastian was at a disadvantage. His clothes were burnt, and blood was oozing from his head and body, yet Chienne was just half as harmed as Sebastian was. She looked at Sebastian with pity. "This is pitiful... look at you. Is that how you wish to be seen by your young master? Well, I don't enjoy bullying someone who's  weak."

Why are you doing this Sebastian. I looked at him, horrified. "Sebastian, use your true form, this is an order!" By habit, I reached for my patch. But how could I forget... our contract is no more.

* * *

Sebastian's body was thrown down like a rag doll. I ran towards him, but what could I do? I had no powers or whatsoever. Sebastian sat down, panting, and spat the blood from his mouth. "Please stay away, young master. I will win. I promise." He said, not bothering to look at me.

"Well, I'll be merciful and give you a present." A sword materialised in Chienne's hand and beside Sebastian. "Since you're not as strong as I when it comes to power, why don't we use this?"

Sebastian took the sword beside him and rose up, standing firmly. He looked at me. "Please... step aside." His eyes darted towards Chienne. "I was doing fairly well even without your help."

Chienne's wings disappeared as she landed on the ground.

They charged at each other and their swords clashed at lightning speed. I didn't know who was losing and who was winning until a sword flew and skidded away from both of them. It was Sebastian's. Chienne smiled. "I win." She said before piercing Sebastian through the chest with the sword.

Sebastian remained standing. He smiled. "You've gotten your guard down... and fell for the invisible thread trick." Blood oozed all over Chienne's body all of a sudden as the thread cut through her flesh. She screamed and and fell on her knees. Sebastian slid out the sword that was pierced through his chest and looked down at Chienne. He slashed the sword at Chienne, cutting off her head. Her body turned into dust. "It's my win... Chienne." 

"Se- Sebastian." I smiled at him. "You..."

"I promised." He turned to me and smiled.

My heart pounded with happiness, but it was too early to celebrate. Sebastian wobbled before falling on his back. I dashed towards him and knelt beside his injured body. "Wh-What do I do!?" Tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Nothing... just..." he smiled, breathing unevenly, and coughing up blood. He reached out his burnt hands to me and covered my eyes." not... look."

I felt his hand loosing its strength as it falls to the ground. Sebastian was laid on the sand, eyes closed, and motionless.

"Se... Sebastian... this isn't the time to joke. Stop trying to be funny..." Tapping his cheeks gently with my hand. "Hey, Sebastian, this isn't funny anymore... wake up." Tears started gushing out of my eyes. "Sebastian!"

I called his name over and over and over again until my voice was hoarse, but he wouldn't answer.


((Preview for 18))

"Oh... Sebastian." Elizabeth wiped tears from her eyes.

Lau sighed. "He was a good man... I'm sorry for your loss, Ciel. If there's anything you need we'll always be here."


The update might be a little late... I have finals. *smiles*

"It's my win... Chienne."

lol, I really had to put that. Chienne is a chienne so Chienne suits Chienne just fine.

Sebastian X Ciel (kuroshitsuji/black butler)[boyxboy] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now