Birthday Special

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(( I was honestly supposed to post this chapter last December... but ahahahah... haha... hah.))

Ciel's POV

"What? You're not celebrating your birthday!?" Elizabeth exclaimed over the line.

With a sigh, I explained. "No. I'm buried in paperwork so I ask that you not throw one for me. Good day." I hung up before she even had a chance to say any more which I'm very sure that she has a lot of.

"Sir, I'd like for you to go over these too." Sebastian said the moment he stepped into the room bringing a pile of paper so high that it covered his head. "You have some more downstairs."

I slumped on my chair. "So much for a happy birthday."

"There's nothing that could be done. The companies that we are affiliated with are all closing down for Christmas this year which is why everything is hectic." Setting the papers down on my study table, "now please, we do not have any time to waste."

Grunting, I sat back up and went back to work. I've beem working ever since I finished breakfast and have not had even a single break. "Something sweet is necessary for my brain to function." Clicking my tongue, "Sebastian, bring me some snacks. I'm hungry."

"I cannot permit to that. You'll lose your appetite for lunch which will be ready in a few."

"I'm tired." I tried to complain. Anything will do as long as it will get me out of work.

"I'll massage your back."

I sighed, "I'm sick of this."

The demon butler's expression didn't change when he spoke, "you're the one who decided to not work until the last moment. "You reap what you sow", if I'm not mistaken."

I grit my teeth, not having anything to say back.

Sebastian stood behind me and planted a kiss on my head. "Please do your best to finish everything so we can celebrate tonight." The demon said softly into my ear.

I could feel my cheek start to warm up. "Easy for you to say... but I never said that I wasn't going to finish my work." Trying my best to concentrate at the work I had at hand. 

* * *

It was already dark when I finally finished my work. Somewhere around eight in the evening perhaps? I slumped back on my desk and stretched. It seems that I was a little too preoccupied by my work that I didn't notice that Sebastian had already turned on the lamps.

"Well done, sir." Sebastian said with a smile as he arranged the papers to have them mailed.

"I am exhausted." I said, trying to unbutton my shirt, but to no avail. "I want to rest..." I stood and tried to take a step, but my legs had gone numb from being in the same position for hours. Fortunately, Sebastian managed to catch me before I could hit the floor.

I could tell that he was trying to hold back a chuckle with the way the sides of his lips curled up. "Gracious, what a handful." Lifting me up in his arms, and carrying me as though I was his bride.

 Surprisingly enough, I didn't fight back; instead, I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder.  "I want something sweet." I said in a voice just a bit louder than a whisper.

The demon chuckled  as he started heading out. "I have sweets prepared for you as a reward for today's hardwork."

I kept my head rested on my demon's shoulder even until we reached the room. Sebastian tried to gently lay me on the bed, but I would not let go of him.

Sebastian's POV


The earl did not answer. Has he fallen asleep perhaps?

I let out a soft sigh, having no other choice but to carry my young lord in my arms. Really... no matter how old he gets, he doesn't change.

"Sebastian... hold me." My young master suddenly said, breaking the silence.

"Hm? You were awake? Didn't you want to eat?"

 "I changed my mind." he pulled awaybslightly only to look at me with determined eyes. "Hold me... that's an order."

I couldn't help but smile. Ending it with "that's an order". It's the sentence that he uses to his advantage whenever he gets shy and does not want me to comment any further. My young earl is simply adorable. "Yes, my lord."

 Pinning him down on the bed, I started undoing his shirt and kissing on every skin that showed. Suddenly, he pushed me away. "What are you doing?" A smirk evident on his lips. "I said that I wanted you to hold me, not do this."

"Is that so? Well then, I apologise." I said right away making sure to look unmoved or he would win.

He clicked his tongue, rolled us over so that he was on top, and looked down at me with a smug face despite looking so tired. "You really won't let me win, won't you?" Grinding his bottom on my crotch.

"It'd be a boring game if I let you win all the time," kissing on his neck. The young master moaned softly at first but no longer responded seconds later. "Young master...?" I asked, looking up to find him asleep.

Yes, I was disappointed yet, somehow, I found myself chuckling and wrapping my arms around him to keep him warm. "What a handful you truly are. Despite having lived for nineteen years you're still a boy." Taking his hand and holding it up to my lips to kiss it. "Perhaps that's my fault. But, turning me on like this and leaving me hanging... you truly are one of a kind. I'll let go for today but you better prepare yourself tomorrow."

"Happy birthday, my love," slipping a ring into his ring finger, "thank you for having been born."

_ _ _

This chapter is dedicated to DJwerewolfgirlOuO. Happy birthday to you. I'm sorry I didn't get to dedicate a chapter to you for your birthday last time, but I hope this makes up for it.

Thank you for reading, guys and gals and non-humans.

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