Ch. 18

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I'm practicing to be more descriptive, mwahaha. So next time, I'll definitely make you cry.

Comments: "You can't just kill Sebastian!!

Me: Oh..? Well, watch me. (lololol)


*screams* damnit! It's 'losing' not 'loosing'. How could I have not seen that mistake!!?

Oh well....

Chienne Lues. I'm so good at naming.


I called out his name until my voice was hoarse.

A stone throw away from where we were, Mira materialised. She was covered in scratches, blood oozed from her head, and she was limping as she scurried towards us. Mira knelt on the other side of Sebastian's body. "How about you, are you hurt?"  She asked me.

I shook my head and looked at her with desperate, pleading eyes. "Sebastian... you need to help him!"

"I'll try. But...this... no, it can't be." Inspecting the wound in Sebastian's chest, her eyes widened in disbelief. Her eyes scanned the area then locked on to the sword that Sebastian used to slay Chienne. A scowl forming in her face as she looked back at the wound on Sebastian's chest, Mira clicked her tongue.  "I... At the moment, my energy is insufficient to be able to help him."

"What!?" I exclaimed. When I realised that I was starting to let my emotions get the best of me, I breathed in deeply, trying to calm myself down. Sebastian is strong. He can't just die like this. I told myself "You... can try can't you?" 

"I will." Hands in a fist, she swore. " After this, I will make them pay. Stand back, young master. Close your eyes until I tell you that you can open in and no matter what, don't give in."

I nodded, walking back. Taking a last look at Sebastian before closing my eyes, I thought. 'Don't give in'? To what? Once my eyes were closed, the ground shook. Slightly at first, but later, it felt like a volcano was erupting nearby. The sand beneath my feet started to ripping apart. With eyes still closed, I dropped on all fours. My hands fumbled around hastily, searching for something, or anything at all that would keep me from falling.

Just when I was about to fall into the pit beneath my feet, the earthquake stopped. I found myself on the sand on all fours, holding firmly on to a seashell. Everything that happened was just an illusion of the senses. What is happening? From a distance, I could hear Mira chanting. 

Why don't you open your eyes? You want to see what's happening right? This voice. It's that same static voice that I've heard when I first got here. Only this time, it sounds happy. You must be very curious. A peek wouldn't hurt.

They snickered at me. Or is it that you don't want to see the suffering your man is taking at the moment because of you? One of the voices said with a snarl. How selfish. After the young highness sacrificed himself for you.

Hehe... Another laughed. Of course he doesn't. It was because he was useless that our young highness ended up like that after all. Just look at the young highness' blood starting to dry in his hands.

Unconsciously, I brought my hands up to my face. This smell... it's blood. This is.. Sebastian's blood? I knelt on the sand, frozen. I... no...

Yes it is, you dirty, lowly, human turned demon! Our young sir's life is far more important than yours. The voice protested. He was supposed to be betrothed to the third ranking family's daughter. A pretty lady.

Sebastian X Ciel (kuroshitsuji/black butler)[boyxboy] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now