Ch. 5

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[[ I sincerely apologize for taking too long to finish this. (^^;) ]]

((Ciel's POV))

Stay? I can't even handle Lau, now I have to take care of Lizzy too? Why does it seem as if nobody wants me to spend any time alone with Sebastian?

"Ciel! Would you try this cake? It's nowhere as good as Sebastian's though. I.. I" she stuttered and blushed holding on to the plate, " I tried m best in making them yesterday!"

Lau and Sebastian both looked at me curiously. I looked at Lizzy and then at cake she made. "Well... what hurt could it bring. Sure."

Lizzy looked at me with glittering eyes as I took a bite. "So, how is it?"

I nodded, "it's well done."

She beamed, "I'm going to practice more and make the best cakes when we're married. I'll be the best wife!"

My eyes widen as the epiphany hit me. That's right, she's still betrothed to me. The atmosphere tensed. I glanced at Sebastian who looked as though he was unaffected by the matter.

"Is something wrong, Ciel?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oh... no, it's nothing." I cleared my throat. "Is there anywhere you might want to go after this."

"Hmmm... let's see," she thought for a while, "the lake. Let's go to the lake for afternoon tea."

"Pardon me, but what might you want for snacks?" Sebastian asked.

"I'd like some sandwiches, and probably some scones." Lizzy said.

"I see. Well, I still have some rooms to clean, so you'll have to excuse me." he smiled, bowed and then left.

He never even looked at me. Is he mad or jealous perhaps? I felt guilty, like I had the responsibility to explain to him.

"Well, I think I'll have to excuse myself for a while. Please make yourselves feel at home." I stood up and followed Sebastian. He's probably at the study. My guts told me, and indeed he was there, dusting the books atop the shelves. "Sebastian."

He turned to look at me, "oh, my lord, why did you leave them in the dining room? That's not how Phantomhive's hospitality is."

"Forget about hospitality. I can explain." I argued.

"Explain what?" he asked like he had no idea.

"About me and Lizzy." I looked down at my feet. "It.. it's - " before I could finish, he interrupted.

"Oh, there's nothing to explain young master. There's nothing we can do, you're a noble after all. It's only inevitable that you have to marry another noble, to continue your line." He turned his back. "Well since our talk is over, I believe you should be in your fiance's presence, young master."

"Sebastian! It's- "

"It's rude to leave a lady with another man." He said coldly.

I was hurt by his attitude, but I tried not to let it show. "Fine! If that's the way you want it, so be it!" I stomped back into the dining room in anger.

((Sebastian's POV))

As soon as the young master left, I stopped working and sighed in exasperation. How could I be so immature. For a high ranking demon like me to act like that.... I'd be damned. I have to make sure that this doesn't happen again. But first I have to apologize to the young master. 

Or so I thought... five excruciating days (it doesn't seem that way with the young master though) have passed and I've still been having this cold war with the young master. As immature as this is, I couldn't bring myself to ask for forgiveness... they've been spending so much time together... holding hands (Translation: Elizabeth dragging Ciel around.) and Lady Elizabeth kissing 'my' young master's cheek. Isn't that a bit too much!? I couldn't even do anything about it but just watch.

We've been going to the lake everyday for afternoon tea, as Lady Elizabeth had insisted that we do during her stay.

"Sebastian! Once again, these cakes are delicious! You really should give me some lessons." said the Lady.

"Why, it'd be an honour for me to be able to do so." I looked at the young master who was sipping his tea. He glanced up at me then looked down right away.

Lady Elizabeth stood right up from her chair and grabbed 'my' young master's hand.

"Wha- Lizzy!?" He asked frantically.

"I just remembered! There was something I'd like to show you, come with me." She announced and dragged him to the dock which was just approximately three yards away 'and' in my line of view.

Rather than following them I just tended Lau-sama and Ran-Mao whom I forgot were there. A few minutes later, a shriek was heard followed by a splash. When I turned towards the direction of the noise, I saw the young master trying to get out of the water. My body moved on it's own accord, I rushed over to my young master and helped him out of the water.

"Ciel, I'm so sorry!" Elizabeth yelped.

"N-no... It's fine." He said, although he was shivering from the cold.

"Well, January is obviously not the perfect time for taking a swim outside." I said.

"Keep your side notes to yourself, get me a towel or something to keep me warm."

"Getting a towel would take a long time." I took my coattail off and wrapped it around him. "You wouldn't mind using this for a while, would you, young master?"

It was probably from his short swim, but his cheeks were red up to his ears, "y-yeah... I don't mind as long as it keeps me warm until I reach the manor."

"But wouldn't walking to the manor take a long time... since the manor is quite far... He'd get a cold before we even reach the manor." Lady Elizabeth said.

I smiled, "that's easy, young lady." I swooped the young master off his feet and carried him in what they call a 'princess carry position'.

"Wha- What are you doing Sebastian!? Put me down!" He protested.

I raised my right brow, "why? This way you'd be warm and we'd reach the manor faster compared to  walking."

"Reach the manor faster? How?" He asked.

I turned to Lau-sama and Lady Elizabeth, "I apologize, but we have to head back to the manor to get the young master a change of clothes.. and a bath too, smelling like seaweed is definitely not part of the Phantomhive hospitality. Lau-sama and Elizabeth-sama, please it down, relax and have some snacks. We're going to be back after we finish our business." I tightened my hold on my young master then took off.


[[Thank you for reading. I'll try to get the next chapter ready by next week. ]]

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