Ch. 4

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((Sebastian's POV))

At dawn, the young master was still fast asleep. He looked angelic in his slumber with his head on my arms. After acting all grown up, in the end he's just a kid. I planted a kiss on his forehead before smiling to myself.

"What are you smiling at... that's creepy." he said with a raspy voice.

"Did I wake you? My apologies. You can still sleep some more." I said leaning in to peck his dead tired eyes, "I have to prepare breakfast."

"Forget about breakfast, you can take care of that later. Stay with me a little longer." he pouted.

"Yes, but I also have to see the servants off. You ordered me to send them to a two-week holiday, did you not?" I reasoned

((Ciel POV))

"Drat... I forgot about that." I sighed. "well,... can't be helped. Just wake me up when it's time for breakfast."

We could finally have some time together "Is what I'd thought...but.. " I muttered inaudibly, before looking up to the man seated in front of me, "what are you doing here, Lau?"

"Oh, well, Earl, haven't you heard? My shop has recently been swallowed by fire."

"So?" Giving him a cold stare.

"I'm going to stay here of course, until the reconstruction is over." He pat Ran Mao's head, "Isn't that right Ran Mao?"

"Just stay at a hotel, the servants aren't here and they won't be for the next two weeks." I frowned.

"Well, since the butler is here, I'm sure things would go smoothly...and.." he paused "have you forgotten? I still have those photos from last time. I've kept them till now. I might as well give them away. So, what do you say, earl?" Lau grinned.

I felt my face getting warmer. "What do you mean 'photos' from last time. Are you black mailing me, Lau?"

"No such thing, earl." his grin didn't leave his face.

Since it's Lau, it must be something embarrassing or something that anyone could use against me. As I thought of that, flashbacks of Sebastian kissing me played on my mind. There were some smooches on the corner of the street when no one's watching even holding hands in the carriage on the way to London or going back home. I blushed, "Tsk... There's no helping it then. The second the construction gets finished, get out. Understood?"

"Aren't you rejecting me a little harsher than you usually do, earl?" he asked "Did something happen? With the butler for example."

"Why do you always bring Sebastian up at times like this!?" I sighed " If you have any problems just turn to Sebastian." I bolted out of the room face flushed.


"Now, now, young master." Sebastian was kneeling in front of me, holding my hand as I was seated on a chair in my room, "there's no need to be upset, the re-construction would probably be finished by ten days."

"Ten days?" I leaned forward placing my head on his shoulders, "That's too much... we haven't even spent a day together yet.."

"Even though Lau-sama is here, we can still spend our time together" he smiled at me reassuringly.

I smiled back at him, "you're right... " I sat straight on my chair. Smiling, I closed my eyes and leant forward. Just when our lips were a few inches from touching, Lau barged in with Ran Mao by his side. Startled, I shoved Sebastian's face away from mine, "wha- what the bloody hell are you doing, Lau!? Don't go barging into people's room!"

Sebastian X Ciel (kuroshitsuji/black butler)[boyxboy] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now