Ch. 8

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Let's Clear something up, when Sebastian said "They're in the guestroom" that was a mistake.... it was supposed to be "They're in the library".

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"I apologize, young master, but it seems that Lau-sama and Elizabeth-sama had both found out about us."

"Th-They what?" I was surprised by his sudden report. But somehow, it's weird.... a part of me was happy about the situation. "Where are they?"

He eyed me curiously. "They're currently at the library.... but... young master, can you even manage to walk on your own?"

"Whose fault do you think it is?" I glared at him, but with my flushed cheeks I doubted that I was as intimidating as I thought.

He sighed hopelessly, "and I tried my best to control myself too. Looks like I have no choice but to have you get used to it."

You... you sex demon! Like you'd know! I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide there forever. "A-Anyway... we have to talk about this with them."

When we arrived at the library, Lizzy had her hands in between her legs and her head down so I couldn't see her expression. Lau was in his own world looking dejected.

"Oh, earl?" the moment he saw us, he tried to put on his normal goofy smile.

Elizabeth flinched but did not bother talking or changing her position.

Lau sighed," I can't believe it."

Elizabeth's shoulders started shaking. "I'm the one who can't believe it... I don't know whether I should vomit or faint." her voice was quivering.

"Lizzy... sorry..." I said almost quietly.

She bolted up holding a piece of paper in her hands staring at it, adoring whatever was in there. "I really can't believe it! It's finally mine, after a month of drooling over it! I'm going to faint!" she made some squealing noices.

"Ah-ah..." Lau whined disappointed. "I can't believe I lost."

"Eh? What's going on here? Care to explain, Lau?" I looked at Lau confused.

"Oh, Ciel. When did you come in?" Elizabeth asked giving me a blinding smile.

"Sure, I'll explain. But you should take a seat, earl. Your hips hurt don't they?" Lau's pathetic goofy smile came back.

Yes! Yes, it hurts like hell! But there's no bloody way in hell I'd tell him that. "N-No, I'd rather stand."

Lau chuckled like he's seen through me. "There's no need to be ashamed now, you can sit on my lap, or your butler's lap if you want."

"If you insist," Sebastian smiled politely at Lau then turned to me with an innocent smile, "since Lau-sama insists we should take his offer. Besides, it's my fault that your hips hurt. It's only right for me to do this as an apology."

"No! I object."

"Don't be too stingy, Ciel." Lizzy murmured as she went back to her seat. "There's no reason to reject Sebastian if you actually want to."

"Enough!" I protested. "Anyways, Lau, explain to me what's going on. I thought you found out about my relationship with Sebastian, but why are the two of you acting like nothing's going on?"

"Well," Lizzy spoke before Lau could even open his mouth, "We've known from the start that you were in 'that' kind of relationship. But last December, during your birthday party; we deduced that you two haven't done it yet."

Sebastian X Ciel (kuroshitsuji/black butler)[boyxboy] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now