Chapter One

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My name is Chloe Lukasiak, I am 13 years old and a dancer at the ALDC. I'm second best at the studio because I don't win at every competition I'm entered in and always compared to Abby's favourite Maddie. Me and Maddie are close friends and we are always there to congratulate each other and we push each other to become better a dancer. I dance on a reality program called Dance Moms.

I live with my Mom Dad and younger sister Clara. My Mom and Dad are really encouraging because my Mom is at every competition with me and stands up for me in front the the beast we call a dance teacher. My dad is always staying at home taking care of Clara when we are at a competition and he never complains. My sister Clara is my number one fan. She always makes me smile when I get home from a rough day at dance. She makes me smile before I go on stage for a solo group duet or trio because I can hear her cheering me on if she's there. She makes me smile when she hugs me after I finish my dance. Or if she cant make a competition she will phone me as much as she can to see how its all going.

Today is no different I have early morning dance rehearsal at 5.00am. I woke up and rolled out of bed at 3.50am. I normally leave my house at 4.30am to get there for 5.00am. I hopped into the shower and let the water wake me up from my tiredness. I get out get dressed into crop top and booty shorts that were purple with a black pattern on. I put my hair into a doughnut and spray like a can of hairspray over it to make sure it holds for the day as I wont have time to change my hair in time for school at 7.30 even though today it is mostly likely we'll miss school. I put on a little makeup. My Mom always tells me I don't need makeup because I have natural beauty but I don't believe her. I am ugly and everyone thinks so. She's just being bias because she's my Mom and she has to say that.

I looked into my full body mirror and looked side on at my figure. I sighed as I saw a small bump starting to form on my abdomen. You see I made a mistake with my best friend's brother. We slept together and now I have to suffer with a teenage pregnancy. I am scared

Only my Mom and Abby know about my situation. Not even my dad knows because he would blow a casket and Kick me out.I knew telling my Mom would come with some consequences, she wasn't happy with me and the mistake I made. She still doesn't know who the father is because I cant risk losing my best friend over the mistake I made. My Mom helped me the best she could and she told Abby because of dance, I knew that Abby is strict but she has been nicer to me and made me the lead in most dances because she refuses to let me do floor work in risk of the baby being squashed. No one else knows and I don't know how much longer I can hide this.

"Chloe!" Clara yelled. "Hurry up. Mommy is leaving now!" She screamed up the stairs. I finished lacing up my shoes grabbing my dance bag and running down the stairs and out the open door and into the front of the car.

My phone beeped indicating I had a message.

"We need to talk." It was Josh.

"Why you said everything you wanted the day after everything happened." I wrote back. I wasn't happy with him, he had a go at me because we slept together. I plucked up the courage to finally tell him I was pregnant but he didn't want to know

"Because, I found something out and I wanna know if its true." He text back. I stiffened at the thought of him finding out I was pregnant from someone who knows about this.

The only people who knew were Abby and My Mom. They couldn't have told him could they?

"Okay." I wrote back and locked my phone before our car pulled into the parking lot of the ALDC studio.

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