Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

The journey was quiet, the Mom's were to quiet. I was lucky they were all sat on their own seat on their phones.Kendall and Maddie were sat together reading something on Maddie's computer. Brooke and Mackenzie were listening and watching their music videos. Josh was sat at the back reading a book. '100 top pregnancy tips.' This made me smile. I knew from the moment I told him that he was going to be a dad that he was going to be an amazing father this proved my suspicions. Paige and I were on our laptops doing some homework. I was also listening to music and letting it relax me into the uncomfortable coach seats.

The driver put on a CD he had upfront with him. It was Justin Bieber. He was our favourite singer so everyone started singing along to Never say Never. Paige and I carried on with our homework. I couldn't be assed to do anymore so I shut my laptop.

"Paige?" I asked taking my headphones out. She turned to me. "How should I tell the others about..." I motioned down at my stomach.

She shut her lap top an tucked her leg under her body. "It's up to you Chlo. I can't tell you how to, I love you and so does Brooke. If no one else can accept you then they're not true friends." She said. I smiled and gave her a side hug.

"So should I tell them after the dances?" I asked.

"Before or after, it's up to you." She said. I nodded.

"Okay, well I'm going to go see Josh for a minute you gonna be alright on your own?" asked.


I walked carefully up the moving bus and placed myself on his lap pulling the book out of his hand and threw it towards the front of the bus before attacking his lips with mine.

I hadn't kissed him all day and I was getting needy, I didn't know if it was because of my pregnancy hormones or what but I was needing him close to me more frequently and to feel his lips on some part of my body.

"Mmm." I moaned silently into his mouth.

"What's brought this on?" He whispered breathlessly.

"I need you." I whispered before taking his tongue in my mouth.,

"Oh for goodness sake!" Maddie exclaimed. "This isn't a kissing booth stop it!" She sighed in exasperation.

"Sorry." I mumbled. I pulled myself off him. "You're being a moody cow." I said sitting next to Paige once again.

"Well sorry but I don't like sluts being all over my man!" She retorted. I can't believe she called me a slut.

Maddie was now sat next to me. "What did you just call me?" I growled.

She got closer to my face. "A slut." She said slowly. Paige leapt out of her chair onto Maddie before punching her in the face twice. Everyone was frozen in shock, No one thought Paige would be a violent one.

"Never. Call. My. Best. Friend. A. Slut." She said deadly. Maddie shrunk back further on the ground. "Chloe is my best friend and I approve of her being with my brother. You on the other hand... No chance." She said before climbing over her and sat back in her seat without going on with the activity she abandoned when she went for Maddie.

We all sat in silence the rest of the trip. The tension could be cut with a knife.


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