Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

After about ten minutes, I joined in with the group rehearsal. I was told by the doctor not to continue dancing because of my teenage pregnancy it could be a risk but without dance, I'm nobody.

"Chloe!" Abby screamed. " You're feet are sickled and you missed a whole jump section!" She exclaimed. I sighed, she had been nicer to me over the past few weeks and now she's becoming her old self again.

When Abby was being nice to be, it was scary and for some strange reason, I wanted the mean Abby back and thankfully, she was. I didn't want any special treatment because I was pregnant. That would just give away that something was wrong with me and I'm still not ready for everyone to know yet.

I ran though the dance once more as a group and then we went to rehearse our trios while Abby had a class with the minis except Mackenzie. I went to studio B with Brooke and Paige to rehearse our trio. Maddie Mackenzie and Nia had the other trio.

Brooke and Paige were already in there talking quietly. I wanted to know what they were talking about because by the looks of it they were both angry. I shut the door loudly behind me, making my presence known. They turned and glared at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked then ignoring their glares.

"We know." Paige said hate clear in her voice.

"Know what"? I asked. I hate a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and I wasn't sure if it was the baby kicking me or the fact I had a feeling I knew what they were talking about.

"You're Pregnant!" They both yelled in unison. I gaped in shock, I had a feeling they knew. I didn't want them to know.

I knew it was pointless to deny it now. "How did you find out?" I asked in a whispered.

"I heard you and your Mom talking about it when I went to the bathroom." Paige explained. "I just wish you told me, I could of helped you We could have helped you." She added indicating to her an Brooke.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered as tears began to slide down my cheeks.

"It's okay, I just have one question." Brooke said walking closer to me pulling me into her arms. "Is the father Josh?" She whispered in my ear so Paige didn't hear. I nodded against her chest.

I don't know why I told her. I think it was because Brooke is more understanding than Paige and Brooke is just a friend not my best friend.

"It's okay sweetie, I'll help you." She soothed and I relaxed a little bit.

She pulled away and wiped my eyes dry of tears. "Come on, lets rehearse." She said and the three of us got into our starting position. The music started as Brooke, had the first counts of 8 Paige had the next then I had the last. Before we all joined in unison and carried on the dance.

About three and a half minutes later, Brooke Paige and I was in our ending position which was Paige was in the Splits Brooke was in an elbow stand on the diagonal and because Abby refused to have me on the floor at any time, I was in a tilt holding onto Brooke's foot.


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