Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

After an hour of rehearsing my two dances for the week, I took Nia into an empty room to work on the solo. Whilst Abby was doing an acrobatic class and the other girls were spread around in their timetabled classes for the rest of the evening.

"Okay so Nia, you know the song and I want you to do the beginning bit of the choreography so Abby thinks it's the exact same but I want to change it to fit your style and so what you're comfortable in. Don't be afraid to input your ideas because this is your dance."

"Okay, Thanks for this Chloe. I wont let you down this weekend, I'll win and I'll win for you." I smiled. Nia was that type of person, she set her mind to do something and she wasn't going to let that plan fail. Even if she doesn't win, I'll still be proud of her because she learned a dance in a few hours instead of three days.

"Even if you don't, I'll still be proud NiaBear." I assured her. I hugged her tightly as she hugged back even tighter. I was used to hugs like this from her because she is hugging people left right and centre especially when people are out down by Abby. "So Lets get started."She sat against the mirror to watch me perform the dance and then it would be clearer for Nia to pick up. I taught her the beginning but which was elegant and fancy. But because Nia isn't a big contemporary dancer, I experimented and found different ways to interpret her style into it too.

After about two hours of solo rehearsal, We went for one last group one. We have to leave for the competition tomorrow and to be honest, it's scary.I was told not to dance to much and unfortunately that means it's my last competition. I don't want this to end. I'm also scared to tell The others about my pregnancy. I had a feeling that Nia knew because when she hugged me I could feel the baby kicking. I saw her face show a little shock. After a long tiring day,I was packing up my stuff ready to leave and pack before tomorrow morning. I have to be here and on the coach by 6.30am. It is a routine of ours that we all stay at each others houses the night before and leave out Moms to get our suitcases ready. Today it was at Brooke and Paige's house. That means I can see Josh. Maybe we can develop our relationship Maybe he will tell me he's going to tell his little sister. Maybe we can tell everyone tonight instead of at the competition tomorrow where I'll be alone. Maybe, Just Maybe.


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