Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

On the way back to the hotel, I sat with all the girls crowded around me asking questions about the baby and how it happened. Mackenzie only being ten asked how it happened and how Josh was apart of it which Maddie me go bright red as Melissa explained that she won't know about that until she's eighteen.

"Is it s girl or a boy?" Maddie asked.

"We don't know yet. I don't think i want to know." I said.

"You're going to keep it a secret?" Brooke asked shocked. I nodded. "But we wont know what clothes to buy or whether to call it a she or a he." She wined.

"Sorry Brookie, but I need to keep it like this. I don't want to find out I want it to be a surprise when I give birth." I told her. She groaned and plopped down in the seat opposite me.

We were talking babies and about the competition wins, I was so happy.this is what I want my life to be. Happy.

Once we finally got to the hotel we checked in and went into our rooms. I was sharing with Paige Brooke was sharing with Mackenzie Maddie was sharing with Nia. Josh had his own rooms and the Moms had their own rooms too.

"Okay so Go to your room and change to go swimming. We'll meet you there." Abby said we all cheered and went running to our rooms.

Paige and I were on the second floor because Abby didn't want me to be walking up and down so many stairs. Paige had both sets of luggage since no one would let me carry it in case I hurt the baby. She threw my suitcase onto my bed and started going through it to find my swimming stuff.

"Umm... I can find my stuff Paige." I said sitting on the edge of the bed.

"No you can't." She protested.

"I'm pregnant paige, not an invalid." I retorted. I knew that Paige was going to be like this, I was having her niece or nephew. But I was not going to let her take over my life and do everything for me. I want to carry on with my normal life before I no longer can.

"I know but I don't want you working to hard. You know what the doctor said. No overworking." She said coming to sit next to me.

"Yeah but I'm not going to have a normal life after this, I'm going to be a full time Mom and I won't be able to spend time with my friends. I won't have time to go swimming. I won't have time to unpack when I go on holiday. I won;t have time to go to competitions." I said "This is all I want right now. Is to be independent and grow up not depending on anyone who I love. I need to be strong for this baby and not have my Mom you Brooke or Josh up my backside every time I'm distressed." I said. She nodded and without a word she got up and went to her side of the bed getting out her swimwear.

I didn't know if she was pissed at me or what but I needed to say what I said in order to keep my normality for as long as I could.

Paige leaves before me. She slams the door behind her not even looking at me as she did. I fell onto my bed sighing a long sigh. I didn't want this to happen even though I knew that with the baby and everything with Josh that someday our relationship was going to hit a rough patch and I was hoping it was far into the future but it looked like it had already started.

I grabbed my bag shoved my clothes in grabbed my phone and the spare hotel key before walking out the door and down to the pool where everyone else already was.

"Hey Guys."I said sitting on the edge of the Pool dipping my feet into the water.

"Hey Chloe, how are you doing?" Brooke asked as the other swam over to me and Paige.

"I'm good, however, this little one keeps kicking me in the bladder." I joked stoking my bump. They all laughed. I dropped down into the pool and began splashing around with the other girls. It wasn't long before I had forgotten everything I had told them today. We were back to the way it was when I wasn't pregnant. It was the best day of my life yet. My best friends and I having fun and not worrying about dance.

In the middle of a splash fight, I was pulled away by Josh. He pulled us over to a secluded part of the pool.

"Hey." I whispered close to his lips.

"Hi." He smiled before attacking my lips. I sighed into the kiss and wrapped my arms around him. I was beginning to get hot.

"Mmmm." I moaned. As I felt him against me. It brought memories back of the night 5 months ago.

"Okay Love birds break it up! There's innocent eyes around here." Brooke Yelled over to us. I pulled away from her brother and swam back carefully.

"Thanks Brooke, I was enjoying that." I said sarcastically. They all laughed.

After swimming we were all pretty tired and came to an agreement to forget about dinner and have a little snack before we made our way to bed. I knew was sharing with girls but I really wanted to be with Josh, just because I wouldn't be able to when we go back home. I would be in my home and he would be in his. There would be no way of sneaking around. I got Paige to cover for me and went to snuggle up with Josh in his room.

He was asleep by the time I got there so I curled up gently next to him.

"I love you." I whispered into his ear. "And I love you too." I said rubbing my swollen belly. I fell into a slumber thinking about my future.

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