Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty

"Come on sleeping beauty, wake up." A male voice said prodding me harshly in the head. I recognised the voice but I couldn't pin the voice to a name.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw a man stood next to a lady waiting patiently for me to open my eyes. Then I recognised him. My dad. My heart began to beat rapidly in my chest as I tried to break free of the restraints wrapped around my wrists and ankles.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked my words trembling. I was scared, why was he doing this? I mean he's my dad and he should love me. If this is just because of my pregnancy then that is a problem. He said he was okay with it but obviously things change and people change.

"Because you need to be taught a lesson on sleeping with random boys and getting yourself pregnant." He explained and snarled giving me a dirty look/ The girl behind her is the girl who was in the bathroom with me.

"But you're my daddy." I whimpered.

"No I'm not, you are not my daughter. No daughter of mine would be pregnant at 13. They will not be a disgrace to the Lukasiak name." The woman laughed.

"You're forgetting one thing," I said. "I'm not a Lukasiak, I'm a Zook. I always have been. Except Mom made the mistake of Marrying you and changing my name." I growled. I glared.

"You are a Lukasiak, You will always be one however, I am not your dad no more." He said. My eyes began to water. I mean He may be a mean man but he is my dad and I love him.

SLAP! That was the thing that brought me out of my trance. My own father had just slapped me. I starred mouth wide open in shock looking up at him. The girl behind him giggled.

"Ohh can I join in with you?" She asked in her fake sweet tone.

"No baby this is daddy daughter bonding time." He smirked. He untied my arms and removed the chair from under my ass throwing me to the floor. I held my stomach as I protected my stomach landing on my back trying to keep my baby from being in harm.

"Now Chlobird-" I interrupted him.

"Don't call me that." I growled. "Only people I love can call me that and I. Don't. Love. You." I said

"Oh baby, you should love me because I am about to take away this mistake." He picked up a wooden plank and walked closer raising it over his head.

I curled into a ball gripping my stomach tight. I whimpered.


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