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He hugs me I hug him back. I feel him lay me down again and he lays beside me looking into my eyes messing with my hair. I blush and smile "you're so beautiful" he says I blush bright red and hide my face in his chest. He hugs me as he runs his hands in my hair. He kisses the top of my head "I'm here forever kk" he says I smile in his chest as I mess with his scruffed up tight black T-shirt. He smiles and watches me I look up in his eyes "um..josh where do you go in the mornings?" I ask him he goes silent and then kisses my forehead "I think you need some sleep" he says I don't push the question and close my eyes as he plays with my hair til I fall asleep. I wake up and josh is spread out on the bed one of his hands awkwardly on my chest and his face in the pillow. His hair was perfect messy but adorable the way it fell. He was snoring but it was a cute snore. I slowly slip his arm off me he squirms and wraps his arms around me tight laying his head on my boobs. I smile and struggle to get one hand loose and I try to push him off me he squeezes tighter. I gasp then squirm to try to get free. He groans in his sleep I groan pushing on his chest trying to get out. He slowly rolls over and we tumble off the bed I land on the ground and he straddles me. I blush as his eyes widen as he sees where he is "well how did you get there?" He says jokingly. I smile "hmm I wonder" I say he smirks and kisses me as he pushes my hands above my head with one hand and pulling my face close with the other. I close my eyes kissing him back. He gets off pulling me to my feet. I brush myself off he smirks I look down seeing my shirt was kinda tucked in my bra I blush and pull it down. He mumbles something under his breath and smirks then goes to the bathroom. I head to dresser and slip on some skinny jeans and a green day long sleeve shirt I slip on some green converses. I head to the kitchen and cook some eggs and toast. Later josh comes up behind me smelling "mmm smells great" he says and hugs me from behind kissing my neck. I smile he goes to grab a piece of toast "to bad I can't stay" he says my smile turns to a frown. I turn around kind of mad "why can't you?" I say he hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek "I have to go" he says I drop the spatula and it clings on the ground "where are you going" I ask he starts scarfing the toast down "I'll be back I promise" he says kissing me once again on the cheek. Then disappearing out the door. I grab the spatula and scrapes the eggs into the trash and throwing the pan into the sink with a loud clang. I run my hand through my hair realizing I needed to brush it. I walk to the bathroom and start to brush my hair out I hear a knock on the bathroom door then Jessie walks in. "Hey kk just wanted to see how you were doing and was going to get some breakfast if you wanted but I smell that you already had some" he says taking the brush from my hand and starts to brush it out "I'll be fine Jessie don't worry about me you know I can cope I always do" I say he turns me around and pulls my bangs out of my eyes "kk I need advise" he says with fear in his eyes I nod in confusion "I want well...Victoria to move in with me should I ask her to?" He says I smile and hug him "of course you should Jessie" I say he kisses the top of my head "thank you" he says he let's me out of the hug and starts to brush my hair out again "I haven't seen Jake around what happened to y'all?" He asks I feel my smile fall and my heart starts to ache as the memories flood back "we had a fight and well we don't talk anymore" I say pulling my sleeves down self-consciously. "Oh that's to bad you to were cute together but hey there's always Lonnie oh and well talking about Lonnie well he invited me to a small party at his new house not far from the apartments and well I said I couldn't come cause Vic wanted to go watch a movie and well he said I should convenience you to come and I kinda said u would be there tonight" he say I groan under my breath "Jessie you know your hook ups never work" I say to him rolling his eyes "please for me go I hate seeing you unhappy I want you with someone that will make you happy and well I want you to get mister goth out of your house" he says rolling his eyes I turn around "and what's wrong with josh!?" I say with anger in my tone "nothing he just well he looks like the kind of guy that will chew you up and spit you out I just want you with someone I can trust I mean he dresses like the ripper in jeans and his attitude isn't the best" he says parting my hair with his hand "well Jessie far as I know josh isn't a cannable" I say with a giggle "you know what I mean kk please just be careful he's bad news" he says setting the brush down and hugging me "okay I'll go but don't expect something good from it" I say I feel him tighten his hug "thank you well I have to go ask Vic now bye punk" he says scruffing my hair with his hand then leaving.

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