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After hours of watching nonstop teen titens go with lonnie. I fall asleep I wake up to  yelling  "keven  franklin open up let's make this easy!" I open my eyes lonnie is behind me "are you expecting anyone mean?" Lonnie asks "lonnie I'll take care of this you might wanna go upstairs" I say "no! Hide now!" Lonnie says I am in awwe but I  hide in the hall closet with the door cracked where I can see out of it. Lonnie walks to the door and opens it I couldn't see who it was from where I was but I knew it wasn't good news "I think you have the wrong address sir there is no keven franklin here" lonnie says fearless "sir I advise you to step aside!" A voice says before shoving lonnie out of the way and stepping in it was vb and he brought friends. I gasp then cover my mouth. "Keven get your little self out here or your friends dead!" He yells I hesatate why would they kill lonnie he did nothing three guys grab him wrestling him to the ground "keven come out or your friend meets your mother!" He yells I still don't listen he pulls out a gun and shoots it I scream "get her!" Vb says two guys come towards me I run for the door they grab me "leave her alone!" Lonnie yells "shut up your lucky I wasn't aiming or you'd be dead!" Vb says "look I didn't mean to kill david" I say I look at lonnie he was in shock "oh that's cute you think you killed him no you just made the job eaisier for me!"  Vb says I look at him in cunfusion "why did you kill him then?" I ask "you see when my sister was raped by your dad I wanted revange and that I was going to get you see your dad raped my sister my sister had you you killed her and your bastard uncle well he just kept getting in the way" he says my eyes widen this dude infront of me is my uncle I didn't know my mom had a brother or that dad raped mom or oh my god I don't blame her for wanting her rapiest child dead or herself. "So your uncles off the list your dads in the cling and if he services that he won't make it home and you well you know what's going to happen!" He says "no!" Lonnie yells jumping up to try to grab vb he shoots him with the gun I scream as loud as I could lonnie laid there not moving my heart stops what have I done lonnie is dead because of my family. Vb looks at me "awwe to bad another one got in the way now let's go!" He says I scream and fight as the people carry me out of the house shoving me into a car. I fight them but vb hits me hard and everything got black.
Uncle wes is holding 14 year old me after finding me covered in brusies. "He won't do it again sweetie I promise" he says putting my hair into a ponytail pulling my hair out of my eyes "uncle wes?" I say he turns me around to face him "yes sweetie" he says "will you be my daddy" I ask him he smiles with a tear in his eye "I wish it was that easy sweetie" he says kissing the top of my head. My dad comes in with rage "give me my baby!" He says in anger "if she's your baby treat her with respeact!" Uncle wes says shoving me behind him. "I do!" My dad yells "those bruises don't look like respeact and if you don't stop I will do something about it!"my uncle yells I hide behind the couch and cover my ears their yelling scared me I hear a big boom and get up and see my uncle bloody and my dad had a gun I scream and run to my uncle wes he smiles at me and puts his shaky hand on my face as I cry "everything is going to be okay he won't hurt you again baby girl I love you kk" he says then gasps for his last breath I scream.
--flashback over--

The next thing I know I'm waking up in a dark room my ankle chained to the wall like one of those horror movies the kind where the people end up dying.
I try to pull from the chains they don't budge where is Josh why wasn't he with me? If he was he could have stopped them? Oh my god what am I saying they would have killed him what if he is in on this I mean he did have something to do with my uncle but I don't think he would go this far would he? I scream as loud as I can it echos in the dark cold room. The room had no carpet and the walls were brick and it was cold and the smell of the air stung my nose like a bleach or something and it gave me a head ache it was probably a basement. I had a head ache but I wanted someone to hear me some hope was burning in me maybe I can find a way out. I scream but then I hear a door open I scrabble to the corner of the room and stay as quite as I can "good morning my little killer" VB says stepping into the only light in the basement. I growl "if your going to kill me do it don't be a prick about it!" I say. Why did they let me live?

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