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I go to sleep once again. I wake up the next day and no one was around i curl up and start to cry. I am alone again the thoughts rush back i can't take it i get up and go to my bathroom. I look for my razors but there gone i shuffle around the room holding on to the sink for support not in my med cabnet not under the sink not in the box behind the toilet not in the cabnets. I start to throw stuff from the cabnets in anger where the heck are my blades? Who took them? Why did they do it? I head to the kitchen leaning on walls for support. I look in the droors no knifes no forks. I throw stuff from the cabnets who ever did this is going to pay! I head to my room i look in dresser no razors no knifes no lighter no nothing just clothes i throw them in rage! What is up with these sick people? Why are they doing this to me? I look under my mattress gone everything was gone! I walk to the door and start to walk out then fall i was to weak. "are you okay? Do i need to call someone?" Someone says i turn and see the boy from the party. "I'm okay ill be fine" i say getting up but fall back down. "No your not let me help you back into your apartment" he says lifting me up who the heck does he think he is. People don't just deside to help me they don't even care about me. "Im fine!" I say pulling away and falling he looks at me with sadness "can i help you please you look like you need it" i close my eyes and try to pull myself to my feet but it was no use "okay fine if your going to rub it in okay" i say he grabs my side and pulls me into him grabbing my feet and carrying me into my apartment he lays me on the bed i curl up into a ball instantly thinking of the memories in this room. "You need anything eles" he asks pulling the covers over me "no I'm fine" i say holding in tears. He sets on the bed "never got your name" he sets "kk" i say he kind of laughs "like the text kk or does it mean something" he says why do everyone ask that i mean does it really matter if i wanted you to know my name i would have them call me it "it stands for keven kent my darn father named me" i say annoyed by his question "well i like it i mean you don't meet a girl every day named keven" he says with a almost smile "thanks that makes me feel better" i say rolling my eyes at him "you need to eat it will get you stronger faster" he says how did he know i wasn't eating "i just ate" i say lying to him "you don't have to lie to me cause you and me both no you haven't your kitchen is destroyed and your room i can tell you was looking for something and you didn't find it so you were going to yell at someone about whatever it was and you are bones you are weak you haven't ate in weeks i can tell" he says i scott back in shock how did he notice all this "who are you" i say looking him over he had black jeans blue converses and a black hoodie that said live for the dead. "I'm just a caring person that wants to help you i know what your going through your not alone I'm here for you i will help you" he says to me with a calm look on his face "look i am fine i don't need your help i can do this on my own" i say hiding the hurt in my eyes "kk i am your friend i will help you i promised when i seen you laying on the apartments floor I'm not leaving until your better and i want to help" he says to me "fine but I'm not letting you stay if you don't tell me your name" i say with anger "I'm josh" he says to me again calm "okay but I'm not good company" i say

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