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A shiver runs down my spin I quickly hide under the table. I hear him walking through the apartment why is he here? "Kevy where are you we never finished our little talk" he says laighing again his british voice echoed in my ears. I felt my blood run cold and my heart stop I held my breath as he walks by the table in his black combat boots and his leather pants holding a knife in his hand. "Kevy come out come out where ever you are!" He says chuckling as he stops infront of the table and turns to face it. I hold my breath and try to stay as quite as I can "pickaboo!" He says leaping under the table to grab me. I scream and run to the door I was almost there til he pounced on my feet I scream but he muffles it. I squerm and try to get loose but he had me pinned down "well looky there the same way I left you looks like my jobs half done" he says laughing loud before grabing me by my hair and dragging me into my room. I try to scream but he covers my mouth as he slams me on the bed. As He closes the door I try to scramble to the cornor but he grabs me again "stop fighting it beautiful its going to happen" he says as he pulls his shirt off and then shoves me to my knees on the floor holding me by my hair. "Unzip them" he says I push him away but he didn't budge I punch him in the balls and he falls to the ground by me. I try to get away but he grabs my foot and pulls me back. Then lifts me up by my arm and shoves me onto the bed. I struggle to get away he holds me down by straddling me as he undoes his pants and mine and pulls mine off. He licks his lips "your just like your mom" he says I pull away but it is no use. After he is done he lays beside me as I cry quietly to weak to move and he had a knife to my side. I curl up into a ball and hide my face he turns me over where I face him "kevy I always loved you" he says with a grin that made me want to stab him. He tries to kiss me and I resest with all the streanth I had left he hits me hard. The pain made me squill it stung "kevy I don't like to hurt you" he says I push away and he hits me again I scream in pain and he muffles it. Then he forces me to kiss him. After that he made me take these pills that he forced down my throat and then I quickly fell asleep. The next day I wake up and he is gone and so is all my money and there was a note on the pellow by me that said
Get the cops involed and your little friend dies.

I read it and my heart drops I lay there helpless sore and not knowing what to do. After laying there for a while I get up and deside to shower after my shower I look in the mirror at me bare body bruised from head to toe. I fall to the ground crying. Then I hear a knock at the door I panic and put on a long sleeve shirt and some sweat pants and try to cover as much as I can with make up. I then grab my baseball bat and answer the door it is jake. "Oh my god jake!" I squill and hug him a smile comes acrossed his face "man I need to waer this calone more often" he says laughing I hit him playfully "jake I missed you" I say hugging him again "I was coming to say bye" he says my eyes widen "bye?" I ask he smiles "well I got a good job in denvir and well I'm going to take it got good house and man are the girls good looking" he says I giggle "when?" I ask still sad "me and lonnie is heading out today" he says with a frown "hey kk" lonnie says walking up "speak of the devil" jake mumbles "hey lonnie" I say as lonnie packs a box into his truck "was wondering if you wanted to go eat you know a good bye meal or something?" He says nervously playing with his hair "yes yes yes" I say he smiles big and grabs my hand "you know I can always do long distence relationships" he says I playfully bump him "whatever" I say laighing we spent the day at the bowling pins and bbq place downtown saying are good byes and making plans to see each other often and stuff at the end of the day he takes me home "thinking bout moving anytime soon?"he asks I nod "you know lonnies place is roomie he has been looking for a roomate" he says I shrug "I don't have money at this time" tryimg to shake the memory of my uncle "lonnie won't mind he just gets a little lonley you know how he is" he says playfully shoving me "eh I'll think about it" I say he hands me a key "new is good" he says to me smiling I take the key he gives me a long hug I stop the hug before it got emotional and we say our goodbyes and he leaves.

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