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I walk in behind her and help her set chairs down then we rewipe the tables. I worked the casher most of the day every once in a while id break tables (clean tables, collect tips, and collect dishes). At the end of the day I start to clean the floors henry walks in in uniform "hey kk looks like you got the job and doing pretty good you made it through the day" he says with a huge smile on his face. "Yaeh what do you know I did" I say back faking a smile back " well i hope my coat was warm" he says laughing "oh yaeh sorry about that" I say taking the coat off and handing it to him "its fine you left this at my house" he hands me my keys I smile he looks around as liz comes out of no where "hey kk close up for me" she says throwing the store keys at me I catch them and she winks at me and walks off. I finish mopping the floor as henry stands and watches "take a picture it will last longer" I say throwing the mop his way he slips and falls I laugh as he falls then I covor my laugh "opps oh my god are you okay?" I say as I rush to his side. He groans in pain holding his face I try moving his hands to see his face but he kept blocking it. "Im so sorry Let me see" I say moving his hands just to see his big green eyes and huge smile. He starts laughing I playfully hit him. His nose starts to bleed "oh my god are you okay?" I say he covors his nose "no its not that" he blushes and looks down at me I relize my shirt was low and cleavage was showing. I blush and set up "I'm sorry" I say fixing my shirt he sets up and helps me up. I get a napkin and help him with his nose bleed. "Your beautiful" he says as I clean his nose I blush as he looks in my eyes "thank you" I say smiling. After I finish I lock up "I'll drive you home not safe to walk after dark around here" he says I nod and we head to his police car. We head back I watch throughthe car window quite. We pass a dark figure of a guy "stop!" I scream henry stops I jump out of the car "josh!" I say the figure steps into a car and drives off quick. I scream again but the car did not stop I feel a hand on my sholder I turn to see henry "kk are you okay?" He asks with worry in his eyes I look back where the car had been. Why would he be here there's nothing but bars and drug heads on this road why would he be here? I think to myself "kk are you okay?" Henry says I relize I was crying. "I thought I seen someone I knew" I say "why are you crying ? are they missing? Do you need me to put a report out?" He asks "no" i say staring still wishing the car would come back . "Come on let's go home kk I think you need some rest" he says putting his hand around my waist and leading me back to the car I get in and we leave. I swear the was him why wouldn't he answer me? why did he leave so quick? why did he avoid me? Was what I did that bad? "Kk were here" henry says jerking me out of deep thought "kk do you want me to help you to your door? Im worried something's wrong?" He says worry still plane in his eyes "no I'm fine henry thanks for the ride" I say getting out he grabs my wrist "kk I'm always here if you need to talk and.. well" he runs his hand through his trimmed black hair and blushes "I'm sorry about what happened tonight" he says I smile "its okay henry goodnight" I say walking to my apartment and then I start taking my clothes off and I get into the shower cleaning my wounds then bandaging them back up I change into some shorts and a t-shirt and fall asleep on the couch cause I couldn't sleep in that bed it had to much memories in it. The next day I get up to the phone ringing I jump up and answer it "hey gorgouse take a day off you did good yesterday take a break and get your self some TLC" liz says on the other end of the line I knew henry talked to her "yes ma'am" I say "okay beautiful see you tommrow" she says to me "ya same to you" I say then hang up the phone. Great there goes me destraction for the day I thought about when I was working I talked to liz about days I work she said only thursdays and fridays and saterdays are optional. I desided to find me a job for Monday Tuesday and wensday. I change into some tight black jeans with rips in the legs and chains hanging off of them and a long sleeve tight shirt that said puff it or muff it and I put on my combat boots and my hoodie. I head out and head to down town witch was a little longer ways from the apartments. I feel out thousands of applications it felt like but I guess it was for a good cause. It starts to get dark so I head back to the apartments.

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