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{Trigger warning has lots of blood sorry please skip if you have weak stomach or are easy to trigger and\or are depressed}...
I lay back down trying to put everything back together in my head but it seemed to make the head ache worse. I get up and look around to find my pants but all I find is a baggy sports shirt I slip it on and I head out the door slipping past jake playing video games in the living room. I find my shoes at the door I grab them not bothering to put them on and I head next door to my apartment. I walk in and josh is setting on the couch with the phone in one hand screaming at someone. "Nevermind I found her" he says standing to his feet "where the heck have you been I've been worried out of my mind you didn't come home last night people seen you at a party I was scared to death!" He yells looking at me then he looks down at my shirt it had the number 12 on it and JAKE in big letters on it. He drops the phone and I see anger in his eyes. "I'm sorry josh I had something at the party and I passed out jake found me and took me to his house" I say to him "YOU WERE WHERE!?" He yells "its not like that josh someone spiked my drink and jake was just trying to help!" I say in defence he had anger in his eyes that sent shivers down my spine "well then let your boyfriend finish what he started" he says with vinom in his words and then walks out not letting me say a word I run out side "josh please listen it wasn't like that nothing happened josh please" I say with tears in my eyes he ignores me and keeps walking then gets into his car and drives off. I head back in the house curling up onto the couch as this painful feeling feels my stomach I scream in pain and sadness. I cry as I wrap my arms around myself and shove my face into the couch. After hours of crying I get up and run to the bedroom digging through the dresser then I remember a place I kept my box knife from when I moved in I look in the living room under the tv in a box with lots of tools I grab it. I walk to the bathroom as I expose the blade and I look in the mirror "killer" I say digging the blade into my wrist at first nothing then blood came out dark and red and so willingly "freak" I cut my other one blood comes soon after gushing dripping down my arm onto the sink "I love you LIAR" I say cutting again at my wrist I start to go deeper as I slice at my arms until there was barly any sign of my pale white skin. I set on the floor in a puddle of blood. I wrap my arms around my knees and I cry even more. After a while I get up and clean my cuts and bandage them up then I clean the floor and sink. After I finish I hear a knock at the door "just a minute" I say refixing my hair as I head to the bedroom to change henry is standing in the door way "oh um sorry I just wanted to talk to you about something" he says I hide my arms self-contiously "its fine I'll be in there in a minute just have to change" I say kinda studdering "okay ma'am" he says looking me over one last time then walking to the living room. I quickly shut the door and change into a pair of skinny jeans and a blue long sleeve t-shirt. I walk into the living room to where henry is I set on the chair by the couch where he was setting. "So what's up" I say acting normal trying to fake a smile "well nockol is doing okay she has been asking to see her angel kk and well I promised her id find her angel and bring her to see her" he says I smile big this time it wasn't fake "oh um well when can I see her" I say kind of excited "well I don't know when do you want to see her?" He asks smiling back "as soon as you can did you find her family" I ask him "only one her uncle and he is unreachable" he says with a frown "oh poor girl" I aqy looking down at my feet "how old are you kk?"
He says cocking his head to the side "I'm 20 now I'll be 21 In a few months" I say he smiles "would you consider fostering her after then I mean not permanent just temparay til we find her a new home" he says I set there in shock I could never do that a kid no never could I? I mean am I ready for something like that? I mean she does need a home and someone to take care of her would I even be able to take care of her? I mean and I stable no why am I even considering this "its just a thing you can consider" he says I stand up "are you hungry henry?" I ask changing the subject "yes ma'am do you want to go get something while I'm off?" He says I nod he grabs his coat I slip my shoes on we head to his car "why do you live in an apartment or can I ask?" He asks I get in the car "well its all my check can pay for" I say to him looking down "oh where do you work?" He asks me "I don't my dad sends me a check every month he thinks it will make me forgive him" I say to him "oh" he says "but I'm planning on getting me a job" I say trying to sound confadent "oh well here's my favorate place to eat" he says while we pull in a place called kimmys cooking

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