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I set on the railing of the second story floor of the apartment and Jake comes up beside me. "Why you over here when the party is over there?" He asks coming up behind me putting his arm around my waist holding me "well not a crowd person.why are you hugging on me?" I ask with a smile " haha well wouldn't want you falling would I?" he says getting his mouth close to my neck "heh um well I'm going swimming now" I say crawling down.

He keeps a hold of my waist "can I come?" He says smiling "Yeah sure," I say smiling what was i thinking i can't swim he will see my scars. "Um i have to go get something first ill be right there," i say letting his hand go kissing his cheek and slipping into the crowd of people and head to my apartment. I feel a hand grab mine crap he found me.

I turn to look and there is a tall tone blonde hair blue eyes that stared right through me he had a lip ring and a ear gage on one side he looked sad. "Excuse me do you know where there is a bathroom?" He says i stare for a while at him he looked so sad and alone "oh um yeah follow me" i say taking his wrist and pulling him to my apartment shoving through the crowd.

I get to my door and head in he follows shutting the door behind him " down the hall to the left" i say refixing my hair in the mirror in living room "thanks and you look great you don't have to fix your hair again" he says i turn to give thank him but he was already in the bathroom i lift up one of my sleeves looking at the scars that were deep in my arm. 

No one would want to see that they will turn and run from that. I hear the bathroom door open and quickly pull my sleeve down. "Your apartment?" He asks me as he runs his hands through his kind of long hair i look him over. A black hoodie and some black skinny jeans and blue converses his hair was to his eyes but kind of trimmed on the sides he had pal skin that made his body fit just right. "Huh oh yaeh sorry guess got a little side tracked," i say noticing his almost smile at my reaction.

 "It's pretty cool well thanks," he says walking past me through the door and disappears into the crowd. "Wait!" I yell but it was to late i walk out bumping into jake "there you are cutie lets go" he says grabing my hand "jake i can't go swimming" i say pulling away "no you have to please" he begs pulling me again "jake please i can't" i pull my hand away. He gets close to me his breath on my lips i trimble "you sure" he asks me i stare at his soft lips then at his green eyes. "Yes i can't," i say shaking under his touch of his hand on my waist. "Okay why?" He asks me with a frown "um I don't feel good" I lie as I'm backing up.

He feels my forehead "okay let's go to your apartment and ill help you" he says before i can say no he pulls me into my apartment and shuts the door and locks it and leads me to my bed "you lay down ill be right back" he says heading out of my room. 

I get up and head to my bathroom maybe i can fake puking and ask him to leave. I don't want him to leave i want him to know me i want him to be with me. Now. I set on the bathroom floor pulling my knees in and leaning my head against them. What am thinking i can't do that he will know I'm a freak and will leave i can't let him see i can let him know the real me.

 I hear a knock "you in there kk?" Jake says slowly opening the bathroom door he gets on his knees and hugs me. "Are you okay? what can i do to help? Do you want me to get jessie?" He says i look up at him "no I'm okay ill be fine" i say starting to get up he grabs my sholder stopping me i look at him he stands up helping me up. He grabs my waist pulling me close to him "jake..." i say kinda pulling away he pulls me to him again so close i can feel our body heat.

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