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I would like to say something important to you all, every single one of my readers. It may not apply to you all but it's a message worth hearing. Thank you.

I know you are going through a lot right now, whether it's emotional or physical. I understand that you have thoughts that seethe through your mind every single day telling you, you're not enough, you're not as strong as you think or you should just give up. You believe these thoughts as you stare into the mirror or push aside your plate.

You look at yourself and hate what you see, you tell yourself things that you would hate others to hear just in case they think your crazy or attention seeking. Due to this, you have a hard time trusting people, you never let anyone in and you've pushed everyone you once loved away because you don't want to drag them down with you.

You feel alone. Alone in your own mind, going insane over the what ifs and the maybes. You sit on your windowsill watching the rest of the world move on with their lives as you sink into nothingness.

You tell yourself that your worthless, useless and irrelevant. You result into taking different actions to ease the pain, you stop yourself from eating, you take a blade or lighter to your skin, you lock yourself away from society and you let all the darkness seep in because you feel as if there's nothing else you can do.

Sometimes, you just want to die.

So my point is, I really do understand everything you are going through and even if I don't know what's happening in your life, then I'm still going to here for each and every one of you.

I'm here to speak on message and if you want we can FaceTime or Skype, just message me guys, I never judge and will never ever think any less of you beautiful people. Just let me know and I promise you I'll be there.

They say everyone is born with a purpose (no, I'm not religious but still), I know my purpose is to help as many people as I can through hard and dark times.

So please, don't let yourself be alone. Hear my voice and read my words because I honestly do care about you all.

Like I said, message me on here and we can go from there okay. Don't believe that you are pathetic or sad for doing this, if anything this shows strength.

"You are all stronger than you think, weakness is an illusion of the mind."

Thank you,

We're Only Liars // PeterickWhere stories live. Discover now