☆This Is The Road To Ruin☆

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FOB Title Credits:

Song- Alone Together
Album- Save Rock and Roll


*This is Pete's POV from when he left the restaurant, so this is happening at the same time as Patrick's POV was in the last chapter


Pete's POV

Ugh what a horrible day. I watched the road wind ahead of me. I drove slowly not particularly wanting to reach home any time soon, the loneliness there was killing me. I had a date the other night though, her name was um, Meagan, yeah Meagan that's it. God my memory is terrible. She was alright I guess, a little up herself but then again I could be too. But she was absolutely beautiful and that did make sense since she was a model. Her high cheek bones raise with her light laugh. Her thick blond dyed hair *A/N- i cant remember her hair colour, ive seen it blonde and brown so..* bounce on and off her pale shoulders. We're nothing serious though just acquaintances if you like. I have her number, she has mine. I might pluck up the courage to ring her later.


I cruised up my road and paused outside my house which was too big for my liking. I seemed to just drift around in there like a lost soul. I recall memories of the guys before the hiatus, we used to chill, eat, drink (a lot) and basically talk about random shit. We also practiced when we were bothered. Patrick and I compared lyrics, me proofreading and he writing melodies. Such enchanting melodies. I wondered what was wrong with Patrick today, he basically had a break down and I can't believe I let him go out that door. What if he's done something stupid!

I shook the thought out of my mind and turned the ignition off. I trudged numbly through the unkempt garden and pulled my weight too the door. After unlocking, I stepped into the unwecomeing atmosphere and traipsed upstairs. I had already eaten at the restaurant so there was no worry there. I face planted the silky sheets and lay breathless, I'm not sure why but I didn't seem to have the energy to even get undressed. I just layed there motionlessly. I couldn't shrug Patrick from my mind, he was constantly buzzing around making the questions I should of asked earlier appear from nowhere. Has something happened? Is this too hard for you? Do you wanna meet up another day? Should I ring Elisa? Should I shut up?

Probably the latter.

I hated seeing him like that he's just, just too Patrick to act that way. When I picture my best friend I see a bubbly yet timid ray of sunshine that never fails to bring a smile to my face. But today I ended up in tears, someone has turned off the light to my little beam. I just don't know what or who? But I am going to find out.

Thinking is so exhausting.


knock knock knock.

"ugh, its like 10pm" I muttered to noone as I rolled out of bed and landed stomach first on the cold floor winding myself in turn. I lay there for a few seconds catching my breath before remembering what I was down there for. I sighed, trudging heavily down the blue carpeted stairs, which I hate, I turned towards the door. Reluctunanly I opened it.


I dropped to my knees as I flailed and grabbed his sudden limp body in my arm's. I watched his eyes roll back then close. I watched his head flop helplessly. I watched his arms fall sideways. I watched the blood cascade endlessly. I watched his breathing slow. I just watched.

"P-Patrick" I stumbled shaking him slightly scared he might shatter, No response."PATRICK" I screamed. My eyes were watering. I'm not sure if its because I haven't blinked yet or because I'm holding a possible dead body in my hands or maybe because its Patrick. My best friend. ohgod ohgod ohgod."C-c-can y-you h-hear m-me?" Nothing.

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