☆I Cant Explain A Thing☆

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*Hey my Munchkin's, let's just say nothing gets cheery quite yet. Hold onto your horses, it's a long road to Hell*

Pete's POV

Once Elisa took Patrick home I didn't know what to do with myself. So I waved my goodbyes and walked mindlessly to my car leaving the lost-looking Joe and Andy alone in the busy main reception. The bright afternoon sun was searing on my back as I unlocked the drivers door, I felt good to I know I was still alive. The heat was wistfully blissful. The car rumbled into life, I sped straight out of the wasteful parking lot without a second look back. The wind ran through my darkened hair when I rolled the windows down, the radio blasting lyrics in my ears. I smiled to myself letting the wheels take me anywhere they pleased.

I didn't particularly want to go home just yet.

As I ambled through the random streets and lonely neighbourhoods for what seemed like hours, I had an idea. Maybe I should pay Patrick a quick visit. He deserved a little treat so I grabbed a case of beer and mapped my way to his place. It's been about an hour since I last saw him at the hospital, he seemed unreasonably worried which in turn petrified me. He had nothing too be scared of I mean he was going home, he didn't do too much damage and that must of been good news right?

I pulled up and watched his home. That sounds creepy but I just can't help to reminisce the times we spent there, so many memories. More than my ghostly house or the other guys' put together. I missed him too much, too much for my understanding. Its like my heart has been on hiatus as well as the band, I just hope I can have it back sometime soon.

I sighed, got out and strolled casually up to his door locking the car behind me. I placed the beer down, feeling heavy as I rapped the wood. I waited a few moments but recieved no answer. I went to knock again when my fist stopped mid-air as the door suddenly swung open to reveal a flustered Elisa. I don't even want to know why. That wasn't any of my business. But then again he wouldn't be able too, he physically can't. The injuries will tell that. That would of been painful. Who am I to judge anyway? Excuse the mild jealously.

"What do you want?" Her foot tapped impatiently forcing me out of my envious thoughts. Her voice seemed unusually distant, her eyes wandered and hands fiddled. A fixed grimace set onto her face. She was usually so bouncy, pulling me into a bear hug. Chatting away about topics I had no understanding too. Sometimes she even out did Brendon. That said a lot. But. I didn't know.

"I'm here too see Patrick, if that's okay with you?" The last part was spoken slightly quieter as I frankly didn't want her to slap me or something, judging by the mood she was in it wouldn't surprise me anyway.

She smirked."Not today" she went to close the Goddamn door but it was cut short but my size 9's, best technique in the book if I must say so myself. I saw her eye me through the gap, sigh and pull it wide. It was my turn to smirk this time. I walked through the gap ignoring her struggled protests. As I pranced towards their glass clad stairs her hand harsly gripped my shoulder lurching me around to face her scowling eyes. Her voice almost growled "I said no now get out".

Her eyes subconsciously kept darting to the second floor as she attempted to push me through the door with her small frame. I gave in until the last possible moment then easily slipped her relaxed grip. She screamed as I bolted for the stairs. I could hear her sprint on the laminate after me but I was much too fast for her, I used to be a sparing soccer player you know?

The handle clicked open under my palm as I slid into their room simataniously locking the door behind me. She slammed into the bolted wood, her hands smacking begging for entrance. I was laughing at her until my ears picked up on faint whimper behind me. I hadn't turned to take in my scenary yet so what I saw next was something I couldnt even imagine in my nightmares. My throat rapidly dried transferring the moisture to my brimming eyes.

"P-Patrick?" I cried out in a half whisper half scream at what I was seeing, that was just plain disturbed, sick and well completely fucked up. My best friend was tied down to a bed, blood slowly seeping from a fresh wound on his head and from the healing cuts scattered across his naked body. He was stirring in and out of consciousness as I ran to untie his tight holds. His wrists were raw with the sheen of surfacing blood. Fingers were cold too the touch that tinged a lifeless blue. I released his legs from the sheets that bound him and placed them carefully over his probably freezing body. I placed a tearful kiss on his innocent forehead before leaving to deal with the evil bitch.

She wasn't outside anymore, she wasn't anywhere. I searched every room before concluding her presence was gone. In the last room, the living room, I did find a note though along with a wedding band.

In conjoined erratic writing it read:

'Dear Patrick, this wasn't how I planned any of this too go. I do love you but what you were planning to do was unacceptable and downright cruel. You needed to be taught a lesson in the worst kind of way, which I never managed to finish by the way. So mark my words when I say that I never leave a task uncompleted. You will see me again maybe sooner than you will bargain for. Can't wait till the next time, you were great tonight!


I threw the note down in anger, my hot tears and unknown thoughts clouding my judgement of what just happened. All I could think of was what that helpless man had experienced on his own, without anyone to consult, without me. God you've been so blind you selfish fucking prick. I felt my body slide down the nearest available wall, knees clutched into my chest and hands pulling at my hair as I silently cursed negative thoughts to myself. The guilty tears escaping with consent when my body rocked back and forth slightly. My breathing became irregular as oxygen felt reserved too the more important people who didn't fail to see what's right in front of them.

Fuck sake, this isn't the time for self pity Pete.

Yes it is, this is all my fault .

This was an impossible situation that you attained no control over. How is this your fault exactly?

If I made him tell me what had happened in the hospital, then I could've prevented this from happening.

If you tried to force him into submission you would of pushed him away and your the first person he sees after this, how would either of you feel if the last time you spoke to each other was an argument? Man up he needs you.

I didn't answer my conscience I just pegged it up the stairs and clambered into the room that I hated so much. I ran to the bed to find it empty. "Patrick where are you? Its ok I'm here. Please let me help you...pl-ease...?" My voice was thick with those unruly tears that threatened to attack me any second.

"P-P-Pete?" I spun around to the broken whisper that hovered from the corner of the room. He was curled in a shaking clothless ball eyes wide not focused on anything in particular, just staring. Sweat ridden hair tousled in any outwards direction. "I-is t-th-hat y-you?"

"Its me I'm here, don't talk shh.." I was trying to keep my emotions at bay. Stay strong, there's no use for broken walls around a demolition site.

I kept a distance between our bodies as I lay down on the cold ground with him. I didn't speak, I just lay there. I didn't look at him, I just lay there. He needed to know I was there for him without pity. No fuss just silence, silence was more bearable than uncomforting lies.

His eyes fixated on mine for a moment, I glanced back into them. I could see fear in his tears as they rivered down the bone white cheeks that made his angelic face so perfect. I very slowly manouvered my open palm into the middle of us and sent a him reasurring smile. He relunctanly removed one arm away from the deathgrip around his chest and placed his cool hand in mine. I interlocked our fingers as he squeezed lightly. That was he needed at that time. That was real comfort.

*A big thank you to everyone who has supported me all the way through this story. next part will be written soon. Promise*


Here's a little something to cheer us up:

When you have a bad day, a really bad day. Try and teach the world better than it treated you.

~resident bunny Mr.Stumphickles


Hwyl fawr


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