☆Our Days Were Never Numbered☆

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*Let me know what y'all think of this! And remember, if you have any suggestions for this story then don't be afraid to message me. I'm a very open person and I CAN take criticism so im all ears. Ily all no matter what (unless your a homophobe; then you can leave)*

Patrick's POV

My body grew heavy as I slid down the opposite of the door. Eyes welded shut, tears escaping and breathing uncontrollable, the weight of my thoughts was depriving the oxygen from my lungs. I held my aching head in the my sweaty palms; my bare knees drawn up to my once again naked chest. The soft blanket lost its grip during the journey down to the tiled floor and was now lying there forgivenly. My bruised yet sheepwhite skin was riddled with goosebumps, the fine hairs stood on end as if they were ready to flee. Run away from here or probably run away from me and I didnt blame them. Not at all, I didnt want to be trapped in this filthy skin either.

The weeping red marks scrawled across my body told the story I didnt want to be a character of. The burning indentations that lined my wrists yelled the danger I was once in. The colour changing patches along my torso spoke the action's I must of done wrong. The fear that hid in every crevis of my intolerable mind concluded my weakness shown in that terrible night and for what? For the enjoyment of one twisted person? And what was the outcome of that supposed to bring? An answer in shape of her. She wanted the enjoyment of it, the thrill of ruining anothers existence and also the fun of watching it happen.

But I adored that woman in every imaginable way. Having her too hold at night was what kept me sane during the hiatus, hearing her laugh at my jokes made me feel appreciated, being her shoulder too cry on proved I was actually wanted. But when I think of it, she was just the filler for the hole that the band made when we split. My brain instantly tells me to go running for the hope of the band returning whilst leaving her behind, that's why im so selfish, too ignorant to see what feelings I've ripped apart. She just needed to put me in line. I get it now its what I deserved.

Knock knock knock

I jumped, jumped a mile to be precise. My heart was pounding as I crawled too the other side of the En suite, grabbing the cotton as I went. I wrapped myself and stared mindfully at the door hoping that I remembered to lock it.

Knock knock knock

"Patrick? Are you okay?.. Wait silly question dont worry..Um, Can I come in or? I mean its up to you, I can wait out here. I just wanted to know what you were doing, but thats none of my buisness really.." I slowly edged back to the door as he continued "..So, I sound like im leaving an answerphone message here. Can you please talk to me?" I heard a faint please Patrick after he spoke. I weakly stood up narrowly skimming my head on a obscuring shelf as I gripped the lock between my scabbing tips. My brain screamed at me, telling me to step away from the door and not to open it. I didnt see why I had to listen, but I was sick of those voices and their snarling comments. It seemed as if I was gaining a new voice every day, but since the rape they've become stronger and now harder to control.

I stared at my quivering hands and twisted the lock east. A echoing click hung in the air before I decided to pull the wood open, exposing a chill I never realised I left behind. The room before me was completely empty, all that remained were fresh memories of the night before and littering bottles with scattered glass along the hard wood floor.

"Pete?" my voice sounded heavy in the open space that surrounded me, I waited for an answer that never came. "Pete? Where are you?" I spoke louder that time and heard my words bounce back, yet still no reply.

My attention wandered to the bedroom door that hung widely open, hm. I traipsed carefully up to the frame, avoiding the shards and cautiously gripped the side of the wood to peer into the hall that covered the left, the right and ahead of me, every angle stood silent and perfectly untouched. I wanted to proceed through the door but nerves were getting the better of me, I didn't want to disturb the peace that played through the atmosphere out there. I didn't particularly belong. But where was Pete, did he leave?

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