☆Some Are Just Black Holes☆

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*I've had a lot if help with this, thanks guys, so many ideas buzzing through my head now. Bye bye writer's block!*

Patrick's POV

I woke up to the sound of heavy breathing off to my left, yet still close. I still felt drugged up and my eyes didn't have the energy to open so I lay listening. Fingers were entwined with mine, calloused long slender fingers, nail bitten with an eager grip on my short dry ones. They obviously weren't Elisa's thank god, they were masculine. They were Pete's. I let my grip tighten and felt his tighten more. A smile creeped onto my face as I forced my eyes open, they didn't have a choice anymore. I need to see his to-die-for face again. They light was blinding as I mumbled sleepily "Who else is here?"

"Elisa went home, but she promised to come back later when you were awake..." mental grunt. "...also Joe and Andy are here, but they've gone to get coffee" His voice was soft and light as he spoke, I sighed happily as I heard him.

"How long have I been asleep?" I uttered as I slowly sat up, not releasing his grip.

"Um" he stopped to check his phone and laughed. "About 5½ hours, you were totally out of it"

I nodded in response and suggested he should get some sleep but he simply shook his head. The guys walked in with three cups off coffee, handing one to Pete. I pouted at them which made laugh. Andy pointed to my right. "Your sustenance is right beside you 'Trick"

"Ugh, I'll think I'll pass.." I scoffed looking away from the cool mushy peas, half crushed jell-o and warm OJ carton.

"Your gonna need your strength Mr. Stump" a new voice chimed in, all our head turned to face the doorway where a friendly faced doctor stood. "You have some special visitors, may your friends leave momentarily as they speak to you?"

"Um sure, I guess" I watched my friends pick up their coffees and leave. Petes eyes never left mine until I saw his smile disapper behind the now closed door. The cold breeze swept over my palm aching to retrieve the absence of his hand. I looked at my palm and clenched it, holding onto any warmth that remained. The doctor motioned in my new visitors. My eyes widened to see two smartly uniformed police officers stroll to my side, one stern man and one calm woman, their ignored walkie talkies buzzed frantically. They sat in the rickety chairs as the doctor stood awkwardly at the end of my bed, he seemed lost yet almost unfazed. The woman officer pulled out a battered black notebook and glanced at me vaguely with her dusty blue eyes.

"Hello sir I'm PC.Simpson and this is my partner PC.Ross" (not Ryan, but points if you actually get their names)."We came to ask you a couple of questions regarding last nights events, is that ok with you?" she ficked her unnatural auburn hair from her face but didn't wait for an answer. "Can you tell us what happened between 5pm and 10pm?" this time she waited, for a long time if I may add. I needed to come up with a convincing lie...

..."Y-yeah sure, I went f-for a meal a-at a restaurant with m-my friends and t-then I went home. My w-wife El-l-lisa wasn't h-home so I went for a-a walk since she t-took the car and I-I was attacked from behind, t-they p-p-placed a bag o-on my head a-and sh- I mean they b-beat me" smooth. PC.Simpson gave me a curious look as she jotted down notes and nodded for me to carry on. I cleared my throat. Be confident Patrick. "I must of blacked out after that but I woke up and ran to Pete's house, which wasn't far and I knocked the door. I can't remember anything from then till just recently, when I woke up here. Sorry" All three of them blankly stared at me. PC.Ross whispered something inaudible to PC.Simpson and she nodded grimly. They both turned to face me.

"Now, do you remember who did this too you sir? questioned PC.Ross, his darker skin glistened under the hospital lights. I shook my head a little took quickly." Are you sure?"

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