☆You Can Bow And Pretend☆

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FOB Title Credits:

Song- America's Suitehearts
Album- Folie à Deux


*Hey my lovely biscuits*

Patrick POV

Buzz mph beep sceeech..ow what happened?

Why can't I open my eyes?

Why can't I move?

Am I dead?

My mouth doesn't work.

Why do I hear voices?

*A/n (...) represents the voice that continuously fades away then comes back..*

"You need...ke up...Patr...love...ou...

Well this is werid. I must be dead.


Pete's POV

This is too surreal. The last time any of us was seriously in hospital, it was me. I attempted suicide, I overdosed too get away from this world. I remember that night so clearly:

"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP" I screamed, I was aimlessly driving through the lonely streets trying to ignore the voices seething in my mind. They never left me alone but today they were pissed. All of them were screaming at once attempting to gain my attention. They were mad at me for some reason. I tried to drone them out with the radio and it seemed to work for a while, I needed to stop driving, I needed to take a break, I needed to permantely get away from all that deafening noise.

I pulled into an empty parking lot, best buy if I remember correctly. The radio filled my ears as I hummed along to Jeff Buckleys rendition of 'Hallejuah'. I reached into my glovebox and grabbed my Ativan, The thought that ran through my head was 'if I can't kill the voices I will just kill myself, then who will they have to talk too?' I poured an exceedingly satisfying amount into my palm and swallowed with out regret. I felt the effects almost instantaneously.

I can't place what exactly happened next in detail as I wasn't in the best state off mind. But I remember ringing my manger, slurring my words as I spoke. He hung up. Then my mother rang me, again I barely have any idea what I said; something about my location? Why I told her I will never know. After that everything faded into darkness.

Turns out my manger rang my mother concerned, she then rang me and I told her where I was and she then came and found me slumped over the steering wheel. I was less than a hour from death as they pumped my stomach in hospital. Fun times.

I was snapped out of my memory by an oncoming nurse. She eyed a clip board then glanced at me. I could smell her cheap perfume from here, I believe its called 'Ea Dau bosom grande'. Her seductive smile matched. She stopped her strut, flicked her burnt straight brunette hair away to enhance the view of her cleavage and finally placed a manicured hand on my now tensed shoulder. Shlut.

"Peter wentz?" she cooed. I nodded.

"Patrick is just through there" she points and looks down at her board. "He's sustained acute concussion and mild trauma to his neck. His nose was broke but we sorted that. Other than that he has superficial bruising to his abdomen, torso and face. Splitting of his lip and eyebrow. We also had to corteroise a nose bleed. He's basically been through the wars today but he should be awake soon"

"Thank you, um miss...?

"Call me..on this number" she grinned and passed me a sticky note with her number on. Subtle very subtle.

I didnt reply, I just slowly shrank away to the direction she pointed and tiptoed into his hospital room and slumped down into a rickety chair placed off to the side of his bed. I watched his facial expression intensly. His breathing seemed more even, and a lot faster than I recalled earlier. His eyes still fluttering around, scraping every millimetre of his lids. I wonder what's he's thinking about, maybe its me? In 'your' dreams Pete.

"Hey you" no response. "You need to wake up for me, Patrick I love you too much for you too be here" a single tear manage to escape my failed attempts of holding emotions back. I grabbed his hand and squeezed and he squeezed back. Wait WHAT!?! I squeezed even harder and a giggle fell out off his lips. I laughed along pulling him into a stern yet gentle hug. "Ohgod your okay" I squealed like a fangirl.

"Me, I'm great" his voice was a little rough on the edges, but that was understandable.

"For someone who's been beaten to a pulp, yeah it looks it!" His smile faded instantly. "Patrick what happened?"

"Where is everyone?" he asked, quickly changing the subject. But shit, I forgot to tell anyone.

I chuckled nervously "Um, yeah about that. I may or may not have forgot to mention it to them"

He broke into a fit of giggles. Again!

See there's my Patrick, like someone flicked the switch back on for his light. I laughed along. He's too cute. That way the hospital light glints in his eyes is outstanding.

"Maybe I should tell people now yeah?" he nodded.

So I sent a multi-text to all my contacts, can't blame me for being lazy.

'Hi just to let you know Patrick is in hospital, he's fine don't panic! but he wouldn't mind a few visitors;) I'll explain when you get here!'

Pete:* and send. Simples. (*squeak*)

I turned back to see Patrick now sat up, his eyes fixed on the door, giving the wood an evil glare. Hmm.

"So, you going to tell me what happened?" his glanced dropped to his fiddling fingers unanswering my question."Or do I have to force it out of you" I grinned trying to make light of the situation that I didn't seem to understand. However it didn't work. I sighed. Ran my fingers through my hair. Then gave up.

I continued with my stares though to see if he would break, but no, of course, he didn't. Ugh, this is killing me, I feel like a kid on his birthday who knows his parents have bought them something but the won't say what. Its frustrating and pretty damn annoying. He's started too ignore me aswell. NOW that is annoying if I must add!

We eventually heard a knock and watched the visitor walk over and put her arms around my Patrick. Ok ok he's not mine but a guy can imagine, get over it. I held back a scowl and replaced it with 'genuine' smile. She planted a sloppy kiss on his lips which he didn't return, that's my boy! He just shrugged away from her with, wait... Fear? That's fear in those beautiful eyes of his. Why would he be scared? I'm so confused right now.

*bitches be like 2 updates in a day. Standing ovation please! I love you all my little muchkins. But don't ask why Pete is so weird in this chapter and how his love for Patrick escalated so quickly. Its because someone may or may not of been flirting with me when I was writing this so yeah...*



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