☆Come Together, Come Apart☆

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Pete's POV

Do you remember the stories you were told when you were younger? All the myths and local ledgends? The never ending palaver pumped into your youthful mind? I do and everything I once knew is being contradicted and overpowered right now. It's being blown to smithereens to be precise and the weirdest thing is that I don't even care. I don't care that I'm fucking up my whole knowing and knowledge. I just don't care.

I show my religious father and mother, my shallow minded grandparents and my judging childhood friends how wrong they were. How stupid they were to think they could even do that and how idiotic I was to be pulled along with that charade. I was brain washed. I was bible bashed. I was just so wrong. So so very wrong.

Love is love, whether its between two females, two males. Whatever the age gap. Whatever the race. Whatever the religion. Whatever the terms and conditions you sign into your life, even if they're industructable. Burn them, burn them all. Turn them to ashes and blow them away because this society is fucked and we all know it.

So as my bestfriends lips are placed on mine, as his frail body presses against my own. I embrace it and kiss back, harder than he expected. Harder than I thought, the butterflies, the spark, the everything that comes in the package of Patrick. Patrick Stump. My brother, my best friend, my everything. Nothing compares to this. Nothing ever wi-

"I'm so sorry" and before I even realised, my everything was gone. Our lips unattached, body heat lost and numbness attacks. Because he left me, ran up the stairs and I don't even know why. Of course you do, he's scared. Scared of my never to be reaction.

So I sat there. Lost in the moment that was replaying in my mind, turning and flipping over every braindead cell in my skull. Everything felt blurred like the frosty skies outside but somehow it was all so clear. Clearer than I ever knew. I'm such an idiot.

I clenched my calloused fingers and cracked every knuckle and joint on each hand. I felt the tension leave them instantaneously, the relief was satisfying. As I sat there, I heard the faint cries sound from upstairs. It was heartbreaking, the tears suffocated my lashes as I attempted to blink back my own misery. I couldnt handle this, it was beyond my limits of confrontation. I mean how do you even start with something as fragile as that kiss? Tender lips upon mine. A memory I will never let go of, I'll take that to my grave.

I traced Patrick's footsteps up the stairs and eared the sniffles to the ever clique bathroom. I rapped the door several times with little response.

"Patrick? Lets not do this again. Come out and let me see you please?" My voice wavered as I spoke, tears still fresh in my eyes. The cries stopped immeadiatly yet no sign of movement was present. I was getting worried, my mind screened scenarios before my eyes of what could be behind the sturdy wooden door. I knocked once again. "Please 'Trick, im not angry," quite the opposite, I finished in my mind.

I turned my back to the wall on the side of the door and slid down it, clutching at my calves and resting my aching head on my knees. I listened intently to room behind me, hoping to hear any trace of sound that should be ever present in there. Okay, worried was an understatement. Down right petrified seems legit, I dont know whats going on in his head and I never will because how am I supposed to comprehend or even understand how hes feeling, how he's hurting?

My life is like a rollercoaster, up one minute and down the next. Turning loops in my mind at jaw dropping speeds, everything just seens to whirl by before I have a chance to see what I missed. The twists and turns I deal with every waking hour, the never ending rattle of emotions, the bumps of guilt and regret, the drop of nostalgia and the pace of death.

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