☆Light A Match To Leave Me Be☆

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FOB Title Credits:

Song- Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner
Album- My Heart Will Always Be The B-Side To My Tongue/ From Under The Cork Tree


Pete's POV

I held my seemingly broken best friend out by his shaking shoulders and stared deep into his tearful green-blue eyes which once held so much joy. I watched regret and a million thoughts flash through those beautiful orbs as he fixated his stare to anywhere but my own. I heard him draw a shuddered breath as the tears began to resurface and fall freely down his reddened cheeks, either reddened from the cold air or his flustered emotion, or both. My chest grew tight as I waited for his dry lips to part for an answer to his unknown sorrow, I just wanted to make everything okay again.

"Listen, you don't have say anything," I held my stare and ignored the fact I could see Joe and Andy leaving the restaurant from behind Patrick, that wasn't important right now, "I just need you to be okay for me, please." I gripped his shoulders tighter, his lower lip was quivering and covered in his uncontrollable silent tears.

"I-I, no I m-mean, no, I've b-been—" he attempted a faltered answer but trailed off as the sobs erupted and racked his small body. I automatically pulled him into a tight hold, feeling his ribs press against mine, his short arms wrapped back around me and his thought filled head fell heavy against my chest. I could feel his fingers grip harshly into the fabric of my shirt, he was furiously shaking. "I'm s-sorry," came a whisper almost silent, drowned out by the flood of his own despair.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, nothing," I held him even tighter. "What could you have possibly done?" I breathed out a short airy laugh trying to make light of the situation, trying to show reassurance that a man like Patrick could never do anything terribly wrong, that the idea of him causing any kind of an issue was almost joke worthy but apparently Patrick took my question seriously and a small, almost inaudible, noise escaped his throat in immediate response.

"I don't know and t-that's what's scaring me" I felt my heart crack at the tone of his voice, the innocence shrouded by unnecessary fear was overwhelming, I was yearning to hold him even closer and tell how much he didn't deserve to be this upset but he pulled away once he spoke and stared down at his little hands in front of him. Tears cascading down his pretty pale yet flushed cheeks. Every odd tear would fall into his palms and every other one would be wiped away by my calloused thumb. I was never a very sympathetic type of person but I couldn't cope seeing him like this, I needed to comfort him anyway I possibly could. I didn't know where I would be without Patrick, a thousand ideas filled my mind but the only likely was nowhere wanted or probably dead.

I gripped his chilled hands with my own and his eyes shot up to mine for the first time in forever that night, only this time his burned red and mine brimmed with tears. "Patrick, you're my best-friend and I'm yours, right?" he slowly nodded. "And I-I love you so much that I'm b-breaking apart seeing you like this. Do you understand?" his eyes held onto my weary ones. I tried to hold back my emotions but I've always been too weak. " I really need y-you to be okay, please, just tell me whats happened maybe I can help?" The last part came out as almost a whisper as my voice was unable to hold up anymore. I let our hands slide apart and I turned away to attempt to regain myself. .

"I wish I could Pete", he paused briefly, "I really wish I could." Patrick whispered ghostly, his breath hitching in his throat. I began to make a dramatic speech in my mind, listing off all the reasons why he's my best friend, how he could trust me, how i'll always do my best to help him no matter what and how much i really do adore him but when I turned back around, he wasn't standing there in front of me as i'd expected, my expression grew into further pain, he was walking away almost disappearing out of sight completely.

"Patrick!" I yelled his name across the restaurants car park as my body threw me forward in his direction, I bypassed the strangers who's eyes veered my way in disgust at the volume of my voice. I half jogged half ran towards the weeping man who was heading to his car which was parked on the same street. I watched him increase his speed at the sound of his name, he didn't attempt to look back but it didn't take me long to catch up to him. I eventually cut his path, "what are you doing?" I asked with a hint of frustration and a tonne of worry. His sad eyes locked onto my confused ones as he stopped in his tracks directly in front of me once again, I could feel the hesitation leak from his aura at the mention of my vague question, because it was obvious what he was doing and it didn't require an answer, he was simply avoiding confrontation, he was avoiding me.

"I can't be late home, I need to get home before I'm late," his eyes dropped and his voice grew quieter with each spoken word. I stepped forward and he stepped back, his eyes darting back and forth finding no fixed spot, "I can't be late," he repeated. I watched his expression with great worry, seeing the anxiety drip from every feature on his angelic face, his hands laced together and parted continuously as he spoke, "I need to go."

"Wait, Patrick—" However this time he swiftly cut my path and finished the short journey to his car pushing aside my attempt to keep him there and talk to me. It took everything in me to not chase him down yet again, I imagined grabbing onto him just before he stepped into his car and this time I wouldn't let go, I saw myself holding him tighter than ever until I knew his deep dark secrets. Fresh tears slipped down my cheeks as I heard his engine purr in the quiet night calm, the shear skid and screech of the gas could be heard for blocks but I stood cold in the rupture of it all until I could hear nothing but as it faded away all together.


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