☆In The Truly Gruesome Do We Trust☆

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*I have nothing to say, just read. You're all welcome*

(hids from the comments)

Patrick's POV

Everything that i'm hearing is a dream. A nightmare. This cant be real, how can anyone even begin to comprehend the situation. What she just told me. It's a lie: a huge, made up, cruel, vindictive lie. That's what it is. A lie. It has to be. She's just that sick minded, but to even say something like this is uncalled for. It's impossible, right? It can't be possible. She's just messing with my head, playing with my emotions, seeing how I would react. No, I refuse to believe it.

"I'm not lieing, Patrick" her venomous voice snapped at me. She pulled me from my thoughts, I sat there feeling suddenly uncomfortable for not being inside my mind. Shaking my head for the thousandth time, I gave her the silent treatment. This isn't true.

She observed my statuette motions for a while, before sighing and sitting beside me. I flinched automatically. A whimper escaping my lips. She laughed at my pathetic state, at the power she had over me. Even the slightest sound she breathed would make me tremble with fear.

But how could I trust her? How could I act 'normal' around her? She trapped me here, I'm not aloud to leave,

I fiddled with a frayed loose string on the couch she dragged me to earlier, before she announced the 'news'. I shivered at the shabby excuse of a lie she threw at me.

I wish I was anywhere but here.

Pete wouldn't lie to me, he wouldnt delve that low. He wouldnt say something that wrong. He wouldn't make me believe that. He just wouldn't.

She shifted closer to me, her arm brushing against mine. I gritted my teeth and tears brewed my eyes, but I couldn't cry. I couldn't show im that weak. She moved up more, her palm ran up my thigh, just over the cuts. I felt her fingertips linger there yet I refused to look. I couldn't look, I would cry.

She put pressure down onto my leg, adding more to see how far she could go. The pain was incredible. The burn that shot through my skin was immensely harsh. I closed my eyes, the tears were thick to flow but I couldn't let them escape.

"I said i'm not lieing, Patrick. So why don't you believe me?" She spoke as she pushed down harder. "Why Patrick?! Tell me why!" Her scream filled my ear, her angered cry rattled my brain and forced my eyes open.

I looked at her, tears flowing now.

"How can I believe you 'Lis?" Air felt rationed. I inwardly cringed at the use of her nickname, why did I say that?  "You're only using this against me, so I don't do anything. So I can't leave. So I have to forgive you. Why should I believe you? Your intentions are obvious and I won't fall for it, Elisa."

She removed her hand immeadiatly, a look of pure sadness swept over her. Her mouth opened and closed, signalling inability of speech. That was a first. The silence that followed though was deathly, she was thinking, plotting. I was scared.

I glanced at my thigh and swallowed at the sight of fresh blood seeping though once again. The sting of the material that had been forced into the cuts was breaching agony but I felt too paralysed to help myself. Especially with her beside me.

I stared out ahead of me, trying to focus my mind elsewhere, anywhere but the pain seething through my thigh and the pain in the ass right next to me. She still haven't spoken since my little outburst earlier and frankly I couldn't care less if she did or not. The sound of her voice is undeniably frightening. It reminds me of-

"Do I prove this to you? Do you want proof? Because I can get you proof," she spat at me. Her arms folded roughly against her chest with her gaze locked onto mine. She looked adamant about what she said, yet I still didn't believe her.

I didn't drop our intense stare. She seemed so determined that it actually scared me. If what she said was true, how I go about it? How do we go about it? I groaned at my incompetence to understand any of this.

She shook her head and looked down at her lap, I faintly heard a light sigh as her shoulders slumped with annoyance. I turned away also to avoid any future glares. My mind racked itself to think of logic behind her statement because I'd give anything to ensure it wasn't true.

"I want proof." My monotonic words seem to linger before she grabbed my hand and pulled me from the couch. I sent her a bewildered look but she dismissed it accordingly, continuing to drag me along with her.

I was took back to the bathroom, where we encountered mere hours ago. I stared at the starck light above me as it contrasted with the ebony sky out the frosted window. A hand on my shoulder drew me to Elisa who motioned me to sit on the edge of the bath. I obeyed, obviously.

"I'm going to get proof for you okay? I want you to believe me, so much. We can truly be a family now," her eyes sparkled as she finished her sentence. "But you have to sit here for me while I do this, don't look because that's a blatant manner and...while you're waiting you can clean yourself up properly, yeah?" Her eyes now focused on my thigh, I gulped and gave a hesitant nod.

She went behind me to the cupboard and passed me some gauze tape and bandages, while she held a pink box in her hand. I thanked her as she went to the toilet out of my eye reach, as she said 'blatant manner'.

I took a moment to relax before stripping off my upper jeans once again, cleaning the dried wounds with a wet flannel before wrapping then up. I jumped when I heard the toilet flush just behind me, another sigh filled my ears as she approached and sat on the edge of bath with me.

"Two minutes, Patrick. If you don't believe this then I can't help you anymore. This is all I can do and that's wait." Her voice was bedraggled with the loss of energy I've consumed her from today, but now was when the panic set in for me. I looked frantically at what she holding and back to her eyes, she seemed utterly disappointed in my attitude towards this.

"How? I don't get it. We've barely ever—" she cut me off with a light laugh. Her eyes seemed to be picturing something which held alot of happiness and I really wanted to know what. "Fine then, you tell me," I huffed.

"It was my mom's birthday, remember, two months ago?" I nodded for her to continue. "Well, we got a little tipsy from the rum punch we made her and—" she stopped with a smile before carrying on, I listened intently like a child with a bedtime story. "Once we got home and over payed the cab driver, you dragged me up stairs. The look on your face was a picture moment when I pulled you into bed, but that only made you want to take it further and well, yeah, all the way. So, that's how Patrick."

I gulped at the distant memory, suddenly remembering every detail. I felt a nudge to my side, her hand holding the waited upon object in front of me. My breathing hitched.

"Two pink lines." She confirmed, her tone seemed wary. I couldn't speak; my tongue was caught with so many words however I was rendered speechless. I took the stick from her and studied it closely, but there was no way around it. It was true. She wasn't lieing.

"You're pregnant."

We held a solemn gaze with one another before the tears washed her away.



whoopsie daisie



Love you lots like jelly tots,

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