☆Just Off The Key Of Reason☆

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*Hey Munchkins, so the is dedicated to my main Canadian pringle 'PanicAtTheFallOut013' who helped me with this when I was stuck a while ago; Everyone check out her stories and vote cause shes amazing, thanks sweetie!*

WARNING! Rape alert!

Patrick's POV

"What do you mean fun?" I questioned slightly scared as she dragged me up the stairs. My body was in flames when we reached the top,the skin over my bruises and cuts were pulsing. I attempted to catch my breath when Elisa suddenly answered.

"I never meant it's going to be fun for you" I could hear the torment in the thickness of her voice. I didn't answer since the next thing that happened I was abruptly forced to the floor. Her hands gripped my wrists as she straddled my waist. She pinned my hands behind my head as a smirk leaked onto her jaw. I struggled but failed, my legs kicking frantically but the pain swarming through my body was slowly waring me out.

"Pl-e-ease" I cried, tears breaking through. I tried pushing her off with a unwanted result. Her eyes flared as she forced my body up and onto to our bed. She ripped off her scarf and tied my wrists to the headboard, the scarf dug so deeply that I could feel the sting off my skin tearing. I cried out as she used the sheets to tie down my legs, she re-straddled my waist kissing my neck roughly. I squirmed under her touch. This can't be happening. She ignored my pleas to stop. I was now at this point screaming. I felt a sharp burning pain violently erupt across my cheek, her hand still hovering in the air slightly reddened. Her pinkish hand wandered down my shirt baring chest, she didn't look pleased. She gripped and tore my shirt straight from my torso, her hands dropped the shreds of fabric and began wandering once again. Her hands made their way down my chest to my stomach. Her hands didn't stop, they reached my boxer line just above my slightly low riding jeans. She smirked as she them shimmied down my jeans as far as they could go leaving me in my boxers and only my boxers.

"I did say that you were going to regret what you did" her breath hot against my stomach as her fingers inched into my boxers. She gripped the hem and tugged them down to my knees with my jeans. I was now in my full glory as she dramatically started to undress herself. The picture above me was blurred with sticky tears as she lowered onto me. I wasn't even hard which made it all that more difficult. She grinded down attempting to make minnie-me wake up but she had little success. I realised I was screaming again when her hand came across my cheek once more, then again and again. I could taste blood. I whimpered as she repeatedly bounced on me. Her face told me she was enjoying this too much, mine must of been a picture moment; tear stained, red and flustered. She finished up when I eventually came, I hated every moment as she dismantled herself from me. The tears were thick and fast as I squirmed to get out of the ties. She pranced around me clothless eyeing me up, I could see the glint in hers when she finally stopped herself next to the cabinet. She turned her petite back to me, I noticed her pick something up and clutch it tight to her chest. She flashed her devilish grin over her shoulder and ordered "Close your eyes slut."

I obeyed. I could hear the faint plod of footsteps near me then stop suddenly. I don't remember much after the heavy thud that throttled me across the side of my head. All I do remember though was that the black rewelcomed me back into unconsciousness.

*Just a little shortie to fill in a gap, but thanks for the help guys. Btw I got my biscuits:)

Next chapter will be LONGER!*


Here's a little something from Panda:

Just because today is terrible day doesn't mean tommorow might not be the best day of your entire life. You just have to wake up and get there.

-Peteypie Wentzalotofplaces


Hasta luego


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