☆I'll Keep Singing This Lie☆

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FOB Title Credits:

Song- Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year?
Album- From Under The Cork Tree


*Dad's dragged me to a pub, ugh. so I'm ignoring the world to be in this one. I really want biscuits^~^*

Elisa's POV surprise!

*This is happening around 2 hours after pattycakes ran away from queen bitch*

God his kicks kill, the little bitch. Right in the shins as well. I'm gonna throttle the selfish twat when I find him. Trust me I will find him and he will regret it, he will regret double crossing me with those low lifes he calls friends.

I sat there with a bag of frozen sausages pressed to my swelling shins, they were scrapped slightly and bruises began to appear. I hoped Patrick was in pain for this.

I flipped the TV remote in my hand as I pressed the standby button. The TV flashed into life and I began scrolling through the channels. I settled for the news since nothing good was on a Wednesday night. A/N I miss the 'The Tomorrow People, it used to be only every Wednesday night, and now its over, DX The broadcaster was rambling on about some murdered kid. When the news story changed I almost burst of laughing, wait I did.

"Lead vocalist of 'Fall Out Boy' Patrick Stump was rushed into hospital less than a hour ago. He was bleeding heavily with numerous injuries to his body. Reports claim that the singer was found unconcious by bassist Pete Wentz. The band are currently on hiatus but they were seen together earlier that day in *fast food restaurant*. Rumours say that band members may be responsible for his attack. We'll keep you updated whenever and wherever folks. But that's all for now. Thanks and goodnight."

Well that means I'm off the hook, eh? Not like he would snitch anyways he's a pussy.

buzz buzz, My phone?

'Hi just to let you know Patrick is in hospital, he's fine don't panic! but he wouldn't mind a few visitors;) I'll explain when you get here!'


I suppose I better keep the act up.


*This is back to the hospital literally just where I left off in the last chapter (sort off), only with a different POV*

Patrick's POV

The door swung open. I felt my heart drop, shatter then try and mend its self all in one beat. The reason I'm here again waltzed over to my temporary bed and gave me a sickening hug. I felt her breath on my ear as she whispered "Don't you dare say a word about why your here or your going to regret the day you were born you worthless piece of shit". Her grin was tainted with the evil words as she forced my lips on mine. I felt my face drain. Get her off me!

Pete's eyes were fixated on me when she pulled away. His iris's read confusion. His facial expressions matched; his eyebrows were knitted, his syrup brown eyes slightly squinted and his soft lips ajar. I couldn't take my eyes off him until he suddenly broke our gaze and shot a dirty glare at Elisa.

"Aren't you going to ask why's he's here?" He spat.

She glanced up from her nail inspection.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, right". She went back to her nails."Why are you here then Patrick?". I could smell her bitchiness from here.

Pete scoffed. I warily turned my head to him and back to Elisa whose eyes locked on mine."I-I don't know" I lowered my eyes down into my palms.

"What? You must remember something" Pete's toned turned to worry. I didn't dare look into those eyes so I let mine traced every line in my palm. I simply shook my head in response wincing afterwards. Forgot about the massive gash in my head. HAHA.

The room stood in a uncomfortable silence. Every now and again I would hear Pete sigh or fidgit. I matched my breath to his, every time he drew in oxygen I would too and every time he let out co2 so would I. It was a fun personal game. I played until his breathing stopped, since he jumped beacuse his phone vibrated. I guess I won. Pete skimmed the text with a sincere expression then placed the phone back into his pocket. He turned to me. "The guys are running late, something about traffic or some shit" He muttered. I nodded again but that time softer.

My eyes began to droop as the neverending silence continued. I tried to stay awake but the pain relief they were shooting into my veins was making me extremely drowsy. I stole once last mental image of Pete before the sleep took over.

*I've run out of motivation and I've had a real shitty day. But hey I won't rain on your parade because I love you all my little munchkins*


Heres my favourite quote thingy ever:

"Girls are like apples,

the best ones are at the top of the trees.

The boys don't want too reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt.

Instead, they get the rotten apples that are on the ground that aren't as good, but easy,

so the apples at the top think there's something wrong with them,

but in reality they're amazing.

They just have to wait for the right boy to cone along,

the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top"

~Pete Wentz




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