Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

{Lalita's POV}

Starting in a new high school as a senior wasn't as frightening as the times I did in my junior years.I had found my identity, I was independent and didn't care what anyone thought about me.  The minute I stepped into the class room I realised I was the only African there, it didn't upset me or anything I just noticed it. 

"Class meet Lalita N..cube?", said my new Nutrition and Food teacher Mrs Pierce who wasn't sure how to say my last name.  I chose not to correct her. 

"Sup", said a blonde haired guy in the back of the class room. 

"Hey", a pretty girl who  was right in front of the teacher's desk whispered.  And the rest of the class said hello.

Sitting in the back of the class I scanned everyone and tried to figure out who they were. At the end of the first 2 periods of class it was recess.I hearded to the canteen and bumped into girls that were in my classes.

 They accepted me into their little picnic they where having at the back of the school oval.They asked me where I'm from, what I am interested in, how I braided my hair, how long it took and finally who I liked.I couldn't tell them yet I didn't know them that we'll yet.  After recess I had mathematics and it wasn't very interesting until.....

"Hey", a boy said as he turned around to face me. 

"Hey", I said my heart was already beating at 100km per hour.He was gorgeous. 

"Silence!", yelled our maths teacher disrupting us.  I mouthed sorry to the teacher and he turned around.

{Chris's POV

I walked out the gate and checked my mailbox, waiting for a letter from the Adam's University.I had signed up at the start of the year, the teachers said my grades where high enough.Disappointed yet again, I hearded to my car.

Arriving at school I went thought my usually routine, messed around with my mates, took my book from my locker then headed to my first class.I arrived in class at Mrs Pierce my Nutrition and Food teacher.All my mates had been teasing me about me choosing to do something with cooking but I've always had a thing for cooking.

We were about half way through the class, when this beautiful girl walked into the class room.The first thing I noticed was her chocolate skin, she had her arms wrapped about her books, her hair was done up in braids and her face wasn't planted with huge amounts of make up, just enough to enhance her features.Her brown eyes where almond shaped, which made her look very beautiful.

"Class meet Lalita Nc..ube?", the teacher announced.

Wow...her name was Lalita what a beautiful name for a girl like her.

 She was in the same Maths class as me, and she sat behind me.I found the guts to turn around and start a conversation.

"Hey", I said as I turned around.My armpits sweating out of nervousness.

"Hey ", she said back causally.She was hot.

Our first conversation was interrupted by our teacher who still treated us as juniors.


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