Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

{Chris's POV}

Arriving home I parked my 5 seater Toyota in our driveway which lead to the backyard. 

"Good afternoon mum", I said kissing her on the cheek.

"Afternoon darling, how was your first day at your new school?", she said

"Yea.. it was pretty good, got a lot of assignments tho", I said putting my bag on the table

"That's good then", mum said as I walked through the corridor into the toilet.   

Laying in my bed I grabbed my phone and rang my best friend Lacy from my old school. 

"How are they?", she asked. 

"They are really nice, do you miss me?", I said .

  "Nah not really ", Lacy said in her sarcastic voice. 

"Whatever I know you do, anyway how are you going with your studies?", chuckled

'Gotta go sorry hot date with Mike', she stated. 

"Oh my goodness you haven't broken up yet?", I said sarcastically . 

"Nah! Never, see you babes!",Lacy yelled. 

"See you babe!" I yelled back. 

During the rest of the afternoon I spent most of my time listening to Bob Marley while I was doing my assignments.I don't know what it is about Bob Marley I just find him so interesting and inspiring

 Having dinner with mum made me sad, I could see the pain in her eyes from missing dad.

 "Where is dad today?", I asked already knowing what the answer would be. 

"Just working another double shift sweetie", she said forcing a smile. 

Mum actually doesn't know where dad is she just says it to make me and herself feel better.  Once mum and I went shopping and we caught him with another woman in the mall, he just said she was one of his work assistance but it sure didn't look like that.Dad doesn't communicate with us as much, it's just the usually "hi how was your day?".Screw him.

My mum was a pure African parent she was keen to get me educated because she knew how much education is important, she didn't want me to get a boyfriend until I was out of school and she didn't want me to lose my culture.

The next day at school I had made really good friend with this girl named Elizabeth she was tall, slim had the darkest most longest eyelashes and long brown hair.  At recess we sat together while trying to finish our assignments. 

"So have you been to South African ever seen you moved here?", Elizabeth asked out of curiosity.  "Yea I went last year in December", I replied thinking of all the memories I had there.

 "Cool, is it different from here?", Elizabeth rang just as the bell rang. 

"Yea", I replied as we started to walk our separate ways to our classes

 I couldn't believe how big this school was compared to my last one it had more than 500 students more. Chemistry was a subject I was really interested in all to chemicals and how they combined and the periodic table.  But on that class I didn't focus because of the way he was looking at me , the way his big brown eyes where staring right a me.Each time I'd turn around you'd pretend you where looking at the teacher, I didn't wanna get my hopes up because in have once and I had my heart broken into a million pieces like a broken glass.

"Hey we didn't finish our conversation the other day", you said smiling 

"Haha..yea", I said a bit surprised he had started the conversation.

 "So..umm your name is?" he said curiously

 " name is Lalita", I said a bit starstruk he was interested.

 " have a nice name. I'm Christopher but call me Chris",he said grinning.  

"Nice to meet you Chris", I said returning the grin. 

"You too", Chris replied At the end of chemistry Chris, he decided to walk me to the canteen.

It was sort of awkward but I thought why not get to know someone better he was really hot.

For the rest of lunch and the last 2 classes we talked endlessly.I found out he had a dog named Stuy, he loved football, he had never dated before,his favourite tv show Biggest Loser, he had 3 best friends, he was a Fast and Furious fan, he was scared of cats, he loved his mom very much and he wanted to know me better.

"Well l'll see you tomorrow then", he said at the end of the day.

"Hahaha it's Saturday tomorrow ?", I giggled.

 "Yea I know, I was wondering if you could umm join me at the movies?" Chris asked turning pink.

 "Umm I..don't know if I'll be available", I replied hesitantly. 

"Oh..ok",he said sounding disappointed. 

"Can I have your number incase my plans change?"I asked  

"Yea sure, it's 056448565", he said .

"Ok thanks", I said.

"No probs, see you later", he said and he walked of to his car.

When I got home my parents weren't at home, I rang mum to see what was happening, she wasn't gonna be home for the rest of the day and she wouldn't be home tomorrow.So it was just me for 2 days.  Chris, the whole entire time I was thinking whether to ring him and tell him the news or not.Him thinking I was desperate was not what I wanted.Nevertheless I rang him. 

"I'll pick you up at 7pm?", Chris said.interracial

"Sure, see you then", I said.

"See you", he said and we hung up.


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